First Steem Developer Post on SteemEngine - Of Course Using ChainBB

So I was convinced to join ChainBB

And you know what, I really like it. It offers a different, more forum like interface that I think is very useful for certain posts. In fact, that is certainly one thing that I think lacks; it lacks different mediums of blogging: sometimes I want to start a poll, sometimes I want to start a discussion, sometimes I want feedback, sometimes I just want to tell the world I regret not investing in Bitcoin. All these posts require different types of blogging.

ChainBB allows for feedback and that is just what I need!

10 days ago I posted about the project I am working on, SteemEngine. I think it is a great idea and will help the Steem community grow since this product is focused on making Steem app development easy and end-user interaction even easier. However, I was wondering what the Steem Developer Community thinks?

Overview of SteemEngine

SteemEngine is a Google Chrome extension allowing easy Steem integration into web applications so developers can give Steem owners a place to use their money. This is achieved by creating a seamless connection between web apps and the Steem blockchain allowing developers to develop applications without having to deal with distributed ledger technology. With SteemEngine, end-users will be given options to use their cryptocurrency in its native form.


While I am going to develop this either way, I have already started and it is a good learning experience for me as a coder, I am interested in hearing from people a) whether something like this has already been made b) whether something like this would be useful? Thanks in advance! Cheers!

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