Have you created any accounts via Piston? Your owner keys and posting keys are swapped!

This is just a small public announcement, after I discovered a bit of a mix-up in @xeroc's Piston. It might help some people, I personally thought I had lost one of my new accounts because of it. For those who aren't aware, Piston is a very popular python library which is used in many people's third-party STEEM projects

I created a new account via Piston, and found that I couldn't change my password for it. I was getting an endless error of "Missing owner authority". I found out after playing around on the command-line, that my posting and owner keys had been switched around.

I have submitted a pull request to fix this key broadcast problem: https://github.com/xeroc/piston/pull/51

What do I do if I find out my keys were switched?

You'll be able to change your password by entering your posting key as your password, which will fix the issue, and of course give you new keys:

(python3 REPL)
>>> from steembase.account import PasswordKey
>>> p = PasswordKey(password='YOURPASSWORD', account='YOURUSERNAME', role='posting')
>>> p.get_public().__format__('STM')
>>> str(p.get_private())

Click on your user icon in the top right and press "Change Password". When you're asked for your current password, enter the posting private key you get from the REPL above. You'll now have a new set of keys, and a new password. No more strange owner authority problems.

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