Everybody, Steemit needs your HELP!! It takes 2 seconds!

The battle of the Cryptocurrencies final round on Twitter is neck and neck! Steem is one percent behind Ethereum Classic!

Whether you're a Steemit newbie or a veteran, you're help is needed. Just click this link to go vote over on Twitter. If you don't have an account, please just make one! We've already overcome a 20% gap to get to this point. Show the POWER of this community!

Click here to cast your vote for Steem!!

The winner of this round gets to be listed on a BIG Chinese Bitcoin exchange called BTCC! This helps to increase the exposure and demand for Steem making what you already have WORTH MORE! Why not help Steem AND help YOURSELF?!?!

It only takes two seconds to cast your vote! Help us eek out a win in this FINAL ROUND!

Get the word out! RESTEEM this! Tell you're friends!

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Are you new to Steemit and Looking for Answers? - Try https://www.steemithelp.net.

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