To try to kill a now, or not? That is a question.

In an attempt to make the game a little more realistic, I provided some more options and a lot of variables.


OPTION 1 - Do not attempt to kill the cows.

The players who chose not to attempt to kill a cow moved on and left the cows in peace.

The Players who chose Option 1 have now progressed to the next round.

OPTION 2 – Try to kill the nearest cow with a knife. (For players with a knife.)

This effort was very unsuccessful.

The players who chose Option 2 have now progressed to the next round.

OPTION 3 – Try to kill the nearest cow with a rock.

This effort was also very unsuccessful.

The players who chose Option 3 have now progressed to the next round.

OPTION 4 - Attempt vital organ shot(s) on the nearest cow, which is walking away. (For players with guns. Please specify gun type and number of rounds of ammunition that you are willing to risk.)

This cow was a difficult one to attempt to take down. Once the gunfire started it took off and accurate shots were harder to take. The angle of the animal did not help either. Here are the predetermined results of firing on it.

  • PISTOL - Unfortunately, this cow was not able to be subdued by pistol fire. Any rounds risked on firing at it have now been lost.
  • SHOTGUN - The stopping power of the shotgun was able to take it down, but only after 5 rounds were fired. If less rounds were risked, they were lost, if 5 or more were risked, then 5 rounds were fired and the beast was killed.
  • RIFLE - The rifle was also able to take it down, but only after 7 rounds were fired. If less rounds were risked, they were lost, if 7 or more were risked, then 7 rounds were fired and the beast was killed.

OPTION 5 - Attempt vital organ shot(s) on the cow lying down. (For players with guns. Please specify gun type and number of rounds of ammunition that you are willing to risk.)

This cow was an easier option than the last one to take down. Here are the predetermined results of firing at the vital organs on it.

  • PISTOL - The pistol was able to take it down, but only after 4 rounds were fired. If less rounds were risked, they were lost, if 4 or more were risked, then 4 rounds were fired and the beast was killed.
  • SHOTGUN - The shotgun was also able to take it down, after only 1 round was fired. If 1 or more rounds were risked, then 1 round was fired and the beast was killed.
  • RIFLE - The rifle was also successful after only 1 round was fired. If 1 or more rounds were risked, then 1 round was fired and the beast was killed.

OPTION 6 - Attempt head shot(s) on the cow lying down. (For players with guns. Please specify gun type and number of rounds of ammunition that you are willing to risk.)

Attempted head shots on this cow had varied outcomes. Here are the predetermined results of firing at the head of it.

  • PISTOL - The pistol was not able to take it down, no matter how many shots were fired at the head. Any shots risked were lost.
  • SHOTGUN - The shotgun was also able to take it down, but only after 2 rounds were fired. If 2 or more rounds were risked, then 2 rounds were fired and the beast was killed.
  • RIFLE - The rifle was also successful after only 1 round was fired. If 1 or more rounds were risked, then 1 round was fired and the beast was killed.

OPTION 7 - Attempt head shot(s) on the cow grazing. (For players with guns. Please specify gun type and number of rounds of ammunition that you are willing to risk.)

This cow also had varied results. Here are the predetermined results of firing at the head of it.

  • PISTOL - The pistol was unable to kill the cow. Any shots risked were fired and lost.
  • SHOTGUN - The shotgun was also able to take it down, but only after 2 rounds were fired. If 2 or more rounds were risked, then 2 rounds were fired and the beast was killed.
  • RIFLE - The rifle was also successful after only 1 round was fired. If 1 or more rounds were risked, then 1 round was fired and the beast was killed.

OPTION 8 - Attempt vital organ shot(s) on the cow grazing. (For players with guns. Please specify gun type and number of rounds of ammunition that you are willing to risk.)

Attempted vital organ shots on this cow had varied outcomes. Here are the predetermined results of firing at the vitals organs on it.

  • PISTOL - The pistol was not able to take it down, no matter how many shots were fired at the head. Any shots risked were lost.
  • SHOTGUN - The shotgun was able to take it down, but only after 2 rounds were fired. If 2 or more rounds were risked, then 2 rounds were fired and the beast was killed.
  • RIFLE - The rifle was also able to take it down, but only after 2 rounds were fired. If 2 or more rounds were risked, then 2 rounds were fired and the beast was killed.


Any players/teams who were able to kill a cow with gunfire began to try to cut up some meat with either a knife or a rock. Some were planning on eating it raw while others were about to start a fire.

However, the gunfire drew the attention of others, and soon shouts were heard coming from the woods nearby. Quickly, the players grabbed handfuls of raw meat and ran off into the woods.

They were able to eat their raw meat successfully, and now must eat prior to the end of Day 8 in order to avoid starvation.


As the remaining players make their way through the woods, they encounter a few patches of mushrooms. Some are tan in color and very wrinkly with hollow centers.

Others are red with white spots.

I wonder if any of these are edible... or deadly...


  • OPTION 1 – Leave the mushrooms alone.

  • OPTION 2 – Use the FIELD GUIDE. If any safe options exist, the FIELD GUIDE will automatically select them for you.

  • OPTION 3 – Attempt to eat the tan wrinkly mushrooms.

  • OPTION 4 – Attempt to eat the red mushrooms with white spots and stems.


All players who have signed up and want to play must reply to this post with 24 hours in order to avoid elimination and continue gameplay. All players must reply to my option comment below, not to this post. I will reply to my own posts with the options each in their own comments, and the players must reply to whichever comment has the option that they wish to choose.

If you fired any rounds of ammunition from your supplies last round, please subtract that number from your inventory.

IMPORTANT: The Backup Food Supplies are in one ration portions, which can feed one player and keep them alive for two days. Also, if for some reason you decide to change your choice prior to the 24 hour response time cutofff, please contact @novaatebatman to make sure you are registered under the correct option.

Also, please remember to include your inventory in your reply. Example:

I have gas, a magnesium firestarter, a PLANT FIELD GUIDE and a pistol with 8 rounds of ammunition. I must eat by the end of Day 6. I choose Option 4 this round, risking up to 6 rounds of ammunition with my pistol.

As always, please remember that all outcomes are predetermined. In an elimination survival game, most of your are going to die eventually. Nothing personal.


The current prize pool is 450 SBD. The total prize pool amount will grow each round until the game is over.

A Special Thanks to @liberty-minded for Providing the Title Gif and the GAME OVER Gif. And a Special Thanks to @novaatebatman for all the help keeping track of this mess. Also, Thanks to An Anonymous Hero for bringing a significant error in the spreadsheet to @NovaAteBatman's attention before any harm could be done

Until next time…

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