Some players were eliminated last round, and others replied after the 24 hour response time so they were eliminated.

I am still sorting through it all, and should have a full valid players list out later. Please only reply to this post if you also replied to the last one and you already signed up for this season.

Please be fully aware that this is an elimination game where only the players that are already signed up can participate. Anyone not already signed up that is interesting in playing must wait until Season 6 to do so.

To help @papa-pepper run this game, please DO NOT reply if you are not already playing this game. If you are playing this game, please do not reply to this post either, reply to my comment below that contains the option that you want to pick. I will provide a separate comment for each option given. If players do not reply to an Option Comment, they will be eliminated. Thank you. Play by the rules and live to play another day (as long as you don't die).

Please also make sure to reply to the Option Comment below. For each option provided, I will make a reply to my own post. Players should find the reply of the option that they wish to choose and reply to that comment. This will also help streamline gameplay as we move forward. Players should also mention any items that they have found replying to avaid losing them.


For some, the last round worked out very well, but others died. Let's see the results.

OPTION 1 - Try to check the beat up looking truck for anything valuable before moving on.

The players that chose this option searched the truck from top to bottom. They tried to start it too, but could not get it to start. Eventually, there is the back seat, they found something incredible!

Yes! Beef jerky! Each player who chose this option now has a backup food supply. Each player must eat once during every two days of gameplay (four rounds). Backup food supplies automatically to prevent starvation. Make sure to reply with "one backup food supply" in your responses so that you do not lose it.

OPTION 2 - Try to check the nicer looking car for anything valuable before moving on.

The players who chose option probably thought that a nicer looking vehicle had a better chance of starting, or at least might have something better in it.

Under the driver's seat, they found a can of beans. Normally, in a regular situation, this would not matter. But, in a STEEM-Pocalypse situation, this could be the item that helps someone win the game.

Each player who chose this option now has a backup food supply. Each player must eat once during every two days of gameplay (four rounds). Backup food supplies automatically to prevent starvation. Make sure to reply with "one backup food
supply" in your responses so that you do not lose it.

OPTION 3 - Try to check both vehicles before moving on.

The players who chose Option 3 apparently thought that checking both vehicles would be the potential way to either find a working vehicle or get some supplies. However, time was of the essence and the city was already starting to get violent and gunshots were being heard nearby.

While they were searching the second vehicle, a small group of armed cannibals looking for a meal found them. A few shots later, the cannibals had their next meal. The players who chose Option 3 have now been eliminated from gameplay. Thanks for joining in, and I hope that you come back next season.

OPTION 4 - Try to just move on without checking any vehicle.

The players who chose to move on did not find anything useful, but they did escape with their lives.


After making their way to the edge of the city last night, daybreak brings a new threat. Last night gunfire, explosions, and shouts could be heard through the city, but things have quieted down now. The silence does not make things any safer, though, as increased visibility means that the players will be easy targets out in the open.

The players are getting drowsy and fatigued. They've got to find somewhere to hide and sleep for a bit, or sleep deprivation will lead to bad judgment that could cost them their lives. Also, the players will need to eat before the end of the day to avoid starvation. Perhaps they could even choose a hiding spot with something edible by it.

Looking around, the options seem limited. They could crawl under the bushes at the edge of the woods. Or, perhaps high in a tree would be better. If they stay near the buildings, a pile of old pallets could be made into a haphazard hiding place with room to sleep. Maybe they can just skip sleeping for now and press on... Either way, a choice must be made soon.


Options are limited this round. Things are rapidly progressing and decisions should be made with caution, so always choose carefully.

* OPTION 1 - Try to hide and sleep under the bush, keeping your eyes open for anything edible.

* OPTION 2 - Try to hide and sleep up in the tree, keeping your eyes open for anything edible.

* OPTION 3 - Try to make a haphazard shelter/hiding place out of the old pallets to sleep in, keeping your eyes open for anything edible.

* OPTION 4 - Try to just move on, skipping the nap, and keeping your eyes open for anything edible.


Each player must reply to my comment below containing the Option that they wish to choose within the next 24 hours. Any players who do not reply in time will be eliminated from gameplay and have to wait until Season 6 to try again.

Also, if your player has found anything, you must mention it when you reply or you will lose it. If your player found a pistol, then reply with something like the following:

I have a pistol & 1 backup food supply, I'll choose option 1 this round.


The current Prize Pool is 75 SBD.

A Special Thanks to @liberty-minded for Providing the Title Gif.

Until next time…

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