Time to eat or die.

Please be fully aware that this is an elimination game where only the players that are already signed up can participate. Anyone not already signed up that is interesting in playing must wait until Season 6 to do so.

To help @papa-pepper run this game, please DO NOT reply if you are not already playing this game. If you are playing this game, please do not reply to this post either, reply to my comment below that contains the option that you want to pick. I will provide a separate comment for each option given. If players do not reply to an Option Comment, they will be eliminated. Thank you. Play by the rules and live to play another day (as long as you don't die).

Please also make sure to reply to the Option Comment below. For each option provided, I will make a reply to my own post. Players should find the reply of the option that they wish to choose and reply to that comment. This will also help streamline gameplay as we move forward. Players should also mention any items that they have found replying to avoid losing them.


The day was just dawning in our last round, and the violence of the night was over, but snipers and other hazards that come with daytime were about to start. The players had been up all night and were given the option to either try to find a place for a nap or continue on.

Let's see who chose which options and how it worked out for them.

OPTION 1 - Try to hide and sleep under the bush, keeping your eyes open for anything edible.

The players that chose this option crawled deep into the bushes to find a place to nap. They also kept their eyes open for anything edible. Interestingly enough, one of the bushes looked like this.

Yes! An American Beautyberry bush! I featured it in my THE EDIBLE OUTDOORS series ten months ago. Not only did they find a safe place to sleep, they got to eat too, which means that any backup food supplies are still on hand for later. The players who chose this option will now have to eat prior to the end of Day 4 in order to avoid starvation

OPTION 2 - Try to hide and sleep up in the tree, keeping your eyes open for anything edible.

The players who chose option found a dense tree to climb into . They figured that if the tree were tall enough and they climbed high enough, no one would be able to see them. Thankfully, they were correct. Also, they found something interesting in the tree.

It happened to be a Lime Tree! Sure their nap-time snack was tart, but it was a very welcome meal in this desperate time. The players who chose this option will now have to eat prior to the end of Day 4 in order to avoid starvation. Any backup food supplies are still on hand for later use if need be.

OPTION 3 - Try to make a haphazard shelter/hiding place out of the old pallets to sleep in, keeping your eyes open for anything edible.

The players who chose Option 3 make a safe and secure structure that still looked haphazard enough to avoid detection. At some point while they slept, a group of survivors passed by, but they did not find our sleeping players. These players did look for anything edible, but they did not find anything. They will have to find something to eat or use their backup food supply (if available) prior to the end of this round in order to avoid starvation. (Back up food supplies automatically kick in.)

OPTION 4 - Try to just move on, skipping the nap, and keeping your eyes open for anything edible.

The players who chose to keep going were very weary. Still, they pressed on. Off in the distance, a cannibalistic sniper noticed the movement. Slowly and calmly, he lined up his sight. Long story short, the players who chose Option 4 last round have now been eliminated and eaten.

I tried to give hints like the following:

the players will be easy targets out in the open.
sleep deprivation will lead to bad judgment that could cost them their lives

Of course there are risks with every choice, this time, it just happened to be deadly.


After a good nap, the players decide to move along through the woods skirting the town. If they are deep enough in the forest, they should remain unseen. Still, there might be some good resources near the edge of the town, so they are hesitant to venture too far yet. As the day begins to really heat up, they pause in the shade.

Some players still must eat today and not everyone has a backup food supply. While they are waiting in the shade, a few options present themselves. They will have to move on shortly, but perhaps they could find something edible quick first. Players who do not need to eat can still search around too.


Options are limited this round. Things are rapidly progressing and decisions should be made with caution, so always choose carefully.

* OPTION 1 - Try to find something buried in the dirt.

* OPTION 2 - Try to find something under an old board.

* OPTION 3 - Just try to rest for a moment and then get moving.


Each player must reply to my comment below containing the Option that they wish to choose within the next 24 hours.If they do not reply to the comment of their choice, they will be eliminated. Also, any players who do not reply in time will be eliminated from gameplay and have to wait until Season 6 to try again.

Also, if your player has found anything, you must mention it when you reply or you will lose it. If your player found a pistol, then reply with something like the following:

I have a pistol & 1 backup food supply, I'll choose option 1 this round.

I will post an updated list of current players later. Thank you.


The current Prize Pool is 100 SBD.

A Special Thanks to @liberty-minded for Providing the Title Gif.

Until next time…

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