What was in the bushes, and who was too scared to find out?

In the last round, the players heard some noises in the bushes. With the opportunity to run or check it out, this scenario could have gone either way. Let's see what happened.

To help @papa-pepper run this game, please DO NOT reply if you are not already playing this game. If you are playing this game, please do not reply to this post either, reply to my comment below that contains the option that you want to pick. I will provide a separate comment for each option given. If players do not reply to an Option Comment, they will be eliminated. Thank you.


OPTION 1 - Try to shoot into the bushes to kill it. (For players with a pistol and ammunition.)

Two players chose to shoot into the bushes last time. Unfortunately, one of them was on each side of the bush, and they fired at one another. Both @daveks and @thechosentwo have shot one another to death.

I was sad to see you two go out like that, but such is survival. Better luck next time. The players who chose Option 1 last time are now dead.

OPTION 2 - Try to run away as fast as you can.

Unsure of what is rustling in the bushes, a lot of players took off running. They escaped with their lives, and for that they are grateful.

No items were gained for players who chose Option 2 last round, but they are still alive.

OPTION 3 – Try to calmly and quietly sneak away from the rustling.

Much like the players who chose Option 2, the players who chose Option 3 made it out alive.

No items were gained for players who chose Option 3 last round, but they are still alive.

OPTION 4 – Try to call out and search the bushes to see what it is.

A few players chose to call out and see what was in the bushes. As they began to call out, they heard a friendly voice calling back.

Soon, they saw another survivor emerge from the bushes. The players who chose Option 4 last time now have an opportunity to team up into 2 player teams, if they want to. No one needs to team up, but it may be a good opportunity to combine efforts and resources. Some players could even get some bullets for their empty gun (for example) depending on who they team up with.

Here are the players that can now form 2 player teams if they wish.


Players who team up can reply with a team name and list of team members. From this point on, anyone forming a team needs to only have one player respond, but you can still both discuss, reply, etc.


Since players need to eat ate least once every two days in order to avoid starvation, some players are still pretty hungry. A few have no backup food supply and if they do not eat today, they will perish.

Most of the plants around here in the woods look kind of sketchy. What might seem like a good meal could kill you sometimes, so the players are using caution. Soon, they see something up ahead. It looks like a large RV parked in the bushes.

Underneath it is a pile of canned goods and a sign....

The sign seems too good to be true. Could someone really be handing out free canned goods to weary survivors? If so, that would be a huge blessing. Of course, it may just be a trap set by some hungry cannibal. Hmm... This could be a dangerous situation, but it could be a great opportunity to get a serious back up food supply too. If someone had all those cans, they could just play it safe for a while and let the others die off... Perhaps whoever wrote that sign is already dead and gone. Maybe they are still alive, but friendly, as the sign may suggest... Who knows?


There are a few more options this time, so choose carefully.

* OPTION 1 - Try to run away as fast as you can.

* OPTION 2 - Try to call out and make friends, if no one answers grab the cans and go.

* OPTION 3 – Try to sneak up quietly and grab all the cans.

* OPTION 4 – Try to sneak up quietly and quickly grab one of the cans.

* OPTION 5 – Try to sneak around back and quickly grab a can.

* OPTION 6 – Try to sneak around back and grab all the cans.


Each player must reply to my comment below containing the Option that they wish to choose within the next 24 hours. If they do not reply to the comment of their choice, they will be eliminated. Also, any players who do not reply in time will be eliminated from gameplay and have to wait until Season 6 to try again.

Also, if your player has found anything, you must mention it when you reply or you will lose it. If your player found a pistol, then reply with something like the following:

I have an loaded pistol with 11 rounds of ammunition & Water Purification Tablets, I'll choose option 1 this round.

I will post an updated list of current players later. Thank you.


The current Prize Pool is 200 SBD.

A Special Thanks to @liberty-minded for Providing the Title Gif and the GAME OVER GIF.

Until next time…

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