Introduce your pet contest - entry

I am creating this post to response to the original "Introduce your pet contest" by @loooping with link here:


I have 2 dogs and 1 cat. The 2 dogs are SHE, ladies, while the cat is a HE, a boy.

First of all, let me introduce to you my eldest pet/dog/girl/lady, BeBe:
She is a mixed Pekingese dog with white slightly curly hair.
Now 14 years old, who is considered very old in case of a dog.


That's why normally she is very quite at home, walking slowly, sleeping, enjoying herself.

Next comes her younger but still old sister, Yung Yung, who is almost 13 years old.


However, she is still young at heart. She is still running around the house (only for a short while everyday) chasing her younger brother.

And now the naughty cat who named, Lucky, by us. Sound like a dog's name but there is a reason behind.
He was abandoned and put in a paper box under a tree, with nothing but a very think blanket cover him. At that time, the Vet think he was only a week's old.
That was a cold winter night, actually Chinese New Year's eve, I was walking my dogs and BeBe, suddenly smell intensely under that tree. I wanted to pull her back and went home, but she refused. This was very straight, so I had a closer look at the tree and found the box with Lucky inside.


Although I am totally a dog person, and has no intention to keep a cat at all, I told myself I had to bring him home otherwise he could be freeze to death. That's why I ended up with one cat at home. And I guess you know why he was named Lucky.


I do believe BeBe and Yung Yung are both regretted to save him home as he always treat them like his toys. :D
Finally, let me show you photos of them being WET!!!!


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