Maximum Voting Power Usage

The mechanism inside voting power, and how to use it efficiently

The mechanism

  • Every time when you vote, you consume at most 5% of your current voting power. That said, if you do mass voting when have 100% voting power, the first vote consumes 5%, the second consumes 5%*(1-5%), the third consumes 5*(1-5%*(1-5%)), and etc. The consumed voting power will be used to calculate net votes of the voted post (times your SP), and the final reward split (also affected by order of voting of the post).

  • Voting power regenerates linearly in 24 hours after last vote. That said, if you consumed 5% of voting power, after 1 hour you'll have 95%+5% / 24 = 95.2%; after 12 hours you'll have 97.5%; after 24 hours you'll have 100%. If you consumed 90% of voting power, after 1 hour you'll have 10% + 90%/24 = 13.95%; after 12 hours you'll have 55%, after 24 hours you'll have 100%.

How to maximum benefit

Disclaimer: here are some personally feelings, maybe right, maybe wrong.

  • Mass voting, then have a rest for ~24 hours. This strategy is more efficient than vote once every hour, or vote several times randomly every day.
  • Vote for most profitable post first. Put most power to best target, then the 2nd. then the 3rd, ... (How to find the most profitable post will be discussed in another topic.)
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