Time to go full steem ahead

Hello Steemians,

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Today is my last day at the office, where I worked last four years as data scientist in cancer research for my PhD.
To be honest, before knowing Steem, I was quite unsure about my next step after my PhD. Like every young ambitious scientist, I was dreaming about doing real science which fascinates me, doing something which could change the world or at least making a better one. Unfortunately, the harsh reality of this world struck me quite hard. Starting with the PhD, I recall how many times I was forced to some meetings / seminars which I have totally no interest at all, instead of focus on doing the work I love to do. Now after the PhD, things probably don't get any better. Even a good friend of mine (aka @complexring the top witness) told me about his postdoc time and it discourages me a lot. So I was haunted with the same question every night when I went to sleep:
"What to do next?"

That is a real torture for me since I was a real fan of Steve Jobs. I used to listen to his talk at Stanford multiple times until I remember by heart almost every of his words, and I really asked myself while looking in the mirror every morning:
"If today were the last day of my life, would I want to do what I am about to do today?"

What a tragedy, the answer has been NO for over 4 years !

Fortunately, this world sure evolved very fast so things from yesterday won't look like the same today. After involving in Steem, a lot of new opportunities open up for me. So I quit my job and don't even bother to look for the next one.
Quite a risky move if you ask me. But I could be careless for a while, since now I can decide what I want to do and continue to focus on doing what I love. Until now I do manage to contribute a little bit to this awesome community by directly involving/helping with users and witnesses, the biggest is probably by creating Steemion, SteemAccounts and recently SteemInterest.

Follow me for the next update soon.

I want to say thanks to all Steemians who contribute to this great community and I am excited about its future.

It's time to go full steem ahead.

Thanks for reading,

Sincerely yours,


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