Steemit repaired my car! (First part)

A while ago I damaged my car a bit, enough to not be able to drive it safely.
After that the steemit payout happend, had about 100 usd worth and I choosed to transform it into STEEM.
A week after (When it arrived) it was worth 300!! That was more than enough to repair it so I powered up a small amount and sold the rest for bitcoin and then fiat ( Inevitabily 😞. ).

Here is a pic of the initial impression:

I first expected that the damage was a bit smaller but after going deeper I found a few things more to do. On monday ill have the second batch of pieces.
In the mean while I have some pictures about the unmount-fight I had and the first piece I already mounted.

Dat evil rod


After half hour trying to unmount the tie-rod i realised that i need more space, and that there is also few more things.i have to change.
Took down the strut 13819592_10209844432485427_1417472773_n9fe7b.jpg
and started again fighting with the tie rod, few hours have passed and I already tried to use strenght, heat with gasol flame, cut it with different things, hit it with a hammer.

Ofcourse it didn't work so I investigated a bit further and also bought a special tool to disarm it, after that I mounted the first half of the rod:

Here are a couple pics with what may give you an idea about how that thing had to get extracted.

And now im waiting (till monday) for the second and last batch of pieces, I'm doing my best trying to recover the pictures and add them to the next post with a fully detailed new piece mounting and the running phase :P.

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