Spam self-voting alert!

I'm sure I'm not the only one who's noticed this erstwhile rapid siphoning of author rewards by tamim:

Screenshot 2017-06-28 15.19.15.png

He was just posting links to youtube videos and upvoting all of them himself to exploit the self-voting loophole in HF19.

This should be the start of a frank conversation among us in the Steem community: what is to be done about this kind of blatant self-voting? Should we just live and let live? Are we ok with this?

I'm quite sure it's harmful to Steem at large, because it siphons off resources that could be put to use. Any use.

Having said that, I've voted for myself a bit (with my own funds, never with those I rent from others) since the hard fork as well. How much is too much?

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