[Steemit Improvement Idea] - UPDATE: Implemented and Live! Bug Remains..

A few days ago, I suggested an idea for Steemit. I've just noticed it has been implemented and is now live on Steemit! Wow! Take a look at the original post - [Steemit Improvement Idea] - Give a Link to the Parent Post to find out more.


Within a few hours of posting my idea, the awesome developer of SteemStats @jesta wrote the necessary code and submitted it to be reviewed - https://github.com/steemit/steemit.com/pull/161.


Currently, on the sample link I gave in my original post [@jsteck/re-smooth-re-innuendo-re-dantheman-re-bitcoiner-re-dantheman-steem-dollars-have-limits-20160821t005026096z], it looks like this:

As you can see, there are now two links in a box at the top to make navigation easier. You can either go to the top level post or to the parent post/comment.


However, the second link is not working as the tag part of the link has been neglected, so the page thinks the tag is the author. When this happens, the page is blank. (This can be considered another bug. For example, going to @bitcoiner or @bitcoiner/feed will work, but @bitcoiner/blah will not work and instead of showing a 404 error will be blank.)


These bugs aside, I must applaud the efforts of our great Steem developers @jesta and @roadscape who are contributing to this world-changing project to make it ever better. Such quick response times and turnover rates for changes are magnificent. Continuous improvement and continuous integration are great things to strive for. Originally, I had imagined a large panel of code reviewers (pictured @ned and @dan and friends at a conference table going through each pull request and judging) to take a week or two to go through such changes and sent off to an SQA and webops team. However, it is important to remember that integration testing is always a good idea and should be done!

Follow me! @bitcoiner

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