Introducing the Steem Dashboard

I am happy to introduce the new Steem price dashboard showing you the key statistics about the Steem price on a daily basis. The purpose of the dashboard is to provide a reasonably comprehensive (but not overly detailed) view of how the Steem price has performed in the last 5 days and a view on where it might be moving towards. This will hopefully keep you informed on performance and where the Steem price is relative to the other key currencies and the overall market.

I intend to do a lot more development of the dashboard over the coming weeks so this post represents a first draft if you like.

I plan to update this daily.

The dashboard is split into three sections:

  1.   High level

This will provide you with high level statistics such as latest price, historic price records, author details etc. This won’t be too mind blowing but it’s important to capture all relevant information and provide a bit of background.


  1.   Key Metrics

This section provides more detailed statistics around the price change over different periods and an estimate of the price change over the next 24 hours. Correlation and volatility information are also provided.



  1.   Price and Volume Graphs

This section shows two graphs:
· A 5-day price movement graph with a 1-day price forecast
· A 1-day price movement graph with a 1-day price forecast
The forecast is based on historic data and assumes that past is a good guide to the future. I intend to provide more detail in the graphs at a later date showing confidence levels and experimenting with different ways of predicting price movement.


Thanks for reading and hope you find it useful.

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