Looking in the Steemit reward structure bonnet


To many of us in the Steemit community, the reward structure is a bit of a black box. I would like to change that for myself and hopefully others.


What I know about the structure is that:

· Rewards are proportional to the number of upvotes you receive
· An upvote from a Whale can potentially be worth 100s of times the value of one from a newbie like myself
· The algorithm behind the reward structure is very complicated involving many different interacting elements

That’s about the extent of my knowledge.

I’m not sure about others in this community but I have always been interested in knowing how a reward for an article develops over the payment window and in particular, which upvotes contribute most to the total payout. To understand this you would need to record the cumulative reward for each additional upvote as well as the person who upvoted you and the time they upvoted. The data would look a bit like this:


With this data you could produce graphs like this:


To collect this data I plan to use a web scraper that works in the background and outputs the data on a regular basis for me to analyse.


Before I proceed with this I was hoping to get some feedback on whether there would be an appetite for something like this? The above example is just one way of utilizing this data.

It would be pretty cool to be able to put in your username and select one of your posts and the reward development stats for that article come up. This is a pretty heroic leap from what I plan to start with but if there was an interest I could expand this further.

Thank you for reading and I look forward to hearing your thoughts on this.


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