Viewing you're Follower Power Profile!


I’ve highlighted the usefulness of the resource in previous posts but I just discovered another fantastic nugget of data that can be found in this source.

You can see WHO is following you and the number of followers by looking on the Steemit platform, but what about the STRENGTH of your followers i.e. the distribution of power among your followers.

You can see this on SteemDB by searching for your account and selecting “Followers” under the “Social” menu item. You will see a list of your followers like this:


If you click into “Account Size” highlighted above you will see your followers in (descending) order of Steem Power. See below:


My two largest followers are @thejohalfiles and @thecryptofiend (many thanks for following!). So, how do these compare to the rest of my followers in terms of relative strength. To analyse this, you need to copy the data to Excel and play around a bit. First, we need to put the “Vests” in terms of a consistent metric. The Vests in the above are in terms of “giga vests”, “mega vests” and “kilo vests” (see screenshot below for details of this). I converted them all to “kilo" vests” and analysed in Excel.


The table below shows the % of the total voting power of all my followers coming from the top 5 followers.

Account% of total follower powerKilo Vests

You will see my stongest followers, @thejohalfiles has significantly (300%) more voting power than all of the other 1262 followers combined.

I hope you found this helpful.

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