Exposed: @Dan Hidden Plan To Take Over The World

Call him @dan  AKA @dantheman  or the Etherium slayer  (Via EOS) , like many technological disrupter’s Dan Larimer  , together with his team are planning / ready to take over the Crypto space and thus a new world domination!!! .  Even though we have watched this type of character  in James Bond movies,  however if all goes well with the firms that he co-founded then there is nothing stopping him and his team in their quest to a peaceful world dominance-this is a great thing for all of us as ( future ) stake holders.


In retrospect: in his post last year :   Steemit's Evil Plan for Cryptocurrency World Domination  , he laid out a clear strategic plan for world dominance :see here.  Based on this secret plan (which I exposed here), I will go through the success of the plans which is supported by further research on the subject:  

  • Creating Digital currency Vis Steemit:  ;Most people visiting steemit  view this as a platform where you can get paid to post, but this is just the tip of the preverbal iceberg; . We all at steemit work hard in order to create great contents and thus earn steem dollars (SBD)- which is loved and accepted by the growing steemit community. Imagine steemit reaching 10 M+ members in the next 3 years. This will certainly create a big user base that accepts steem dollars as their digital currency and willing to use it. Moreover, SBD moves in tandem with USD , pays interest more than what the banks pays , backed by a growing community who work hard to earn it -thus making it a trustworthy and stable digital currency and a force to reckon with in the future . Thus steemit : ; A blogging platform that makes it possible for everyone to earn their way in is just a trojan horse. It is a means of hiding the vegetables (honest money) in the food (fun content);

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  • Creating a Market Place Via Bitshares: Bitshares is a decentralized exchange designed to solve the problem of centralized exchanges scamming us of our money or governments shutting them down. In my former blog post, see here: Why Steemit should kick the Ass of Major exchanges / Trading Platform  like Poloniex  and Start its Own ,  I indicated the complaint most steemians are making with regard to Poloniex and other trading platforms and the need for our own decentralized  plus centralized hybrid exchange for crypto currencies. Bitshares is the solution - note that a successful market place needs people and money therefore steemit has made it possible for many people with money to easily (via wallet) access a market place : bitshares and thus  trade crypto currencies in a fast and safe way.

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  • Smart Contract Via EOS: In @jeffberwick  interview with Dan Larimer , he explained his plan for EOS and what differentiates it /  makes it better than Etherium - concomitantly , with his plan of building tools that allow decentralized governance, which is another top EOS characteristic apart from the technical aspects.

See  video here:  

On the other hand, however, EOS is not without criticism. For example, vitalik Buterin Ie   Etherium boss see link here  which resulted to a response from  Dan see link here . These exchanges shows that Etherium is aware (or even afraid) of EOS being able to disrupt the smart contract segment.

Conversely , if all works well with EOS (am sure all will work well) we will have a faster decentralized platform for smart contracts that don’t have the scalability issues which fraught Etherium and most importantly, free from governmental control.

Conclusion: In this short article, I have exposed @Dan  Hidden Plan To Take Over The World- whether you believe it or not, Dan Larimer and his team are working tirelessly (behind the scene) for the success of their disruptive technological platforms : Steemit (social media , SBD ) , Bitshares (decentralized exchanges)  , EOS et al . 

Importantly,  there is nothing stopping these platforms to be a huge success and subsequently take over the world and I want to be part of it (do you? ) .

What do you think?

  • This is a great plan and will take over the world or this is a bad plan
  • I want to be part of it or not
  • I have a better plan-pls indicate it

 Send in your comment, Please resteem this for others to join and upvote to send your support. 

Bots are certainly taking over our lives.......Please click here and  see my former blog post :   Bots : Steemit killer or a strategic use of time?  

Keep steeming to more success

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