I haven't written on Steem in a while. Here is why. (by Charlie Shrem)

Update- Here is the first post I'm publishing for a writer: @charlieshrem/letter-to-an-inmate-by-garryke-reposted-by-charlie-shrem

I had a dream last night.

I walked into a bookstore and there was a petition started by asking me to continue writing on the platform. It was not hostile, but the general tone was that I let the community down.

Over the past few weeks, I've posted less and less. This has nothing to do with my belief in Steem. In fact, I've been more active than ever working behind the scenes. I will be speaking about Steem in Miami and Switzerland in the next few months as well.

I noticed that when I wrote, I was taking funds from the rewards pool from other writers who also deserved their share of the rewards pool. I'm flattered that everyone loves my writing, but at the same time I want to encourage new writers.

So I took a step back and noticed a better distribution in the rewards pool.

But I miss it. I miss writing. I miss the comments and everything that comes with it. Writing is therapeutic.

So this is the solution I came up with:

  • The 'Charlie Shrem' account will now feature up and coming writers. These posts will be personally vetted and read by me first and will be the highest caliber. Some of these writers will not be on Steem yet, so I will be introducing them.
  • ALL rewards from those posts will be given to the new author.
  • I will continue my writing and posting a new Geek in Prison post this week!


-Charlie Shrem

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