[Discussion Post] What is the best way to recruit new users to STEEM?

100 percent of the liquid rewards for this post will go towards rewarding engaging and relevant comments. . .

Hello everyone!

Recently, I have been trying to recruit new users to Steem through projects such as the Build the Earth community, and the Wizarding World community. At first, I would try to recruit new users by just saying "Hey Guys! Here is this community you could come post in! YOU WILL GET PAID!" After a few attempts, I realized that:

The internet + Make money = Likely a scam

So, I have changed my approach. Instead of telling them what Steem is. I simply ask:

Could I post this to my blog?

I have found that they almost always say yes, and then proceed to view the article afterward. The problem comes with trying to help people understand the concept of Steem. Here is a screenshot of the German Build the Earth team's reaction:

German reaction.PNG

Everyone who I have offered the rewards to has turned them down and asked me to just keep posting for them. So, I figured I would make this week's discussion post Steem-based:

What is the best way to recruit new users?

How do you explain Steem to someone who doesn't understand it at all in a message short enough that they will read?

Please do not mention Hive in the discussion. We are all aware of it, and have our own opinions. This discussion is meant to be about Steem for those who have chosen to stay.

Discuss away!

@glory7There will hopefully be a message here soon (lmk) :)
@knitriasKnitrias Project Community: Growth and Education Group.
@cmp2020Do you enjoy Harry Potter? Join the Wizarding World Community for all things Harry Potter
@remlapsPlease consider joining the Popular Stem and Classical Music communities!

Thank you also to @steemitblog and @steemcurator01 for their support!

How do I become a sponsor?

In order to better reward the discussion aspect of Steem, I am asking anyone interested to sponsor these discussion posts.

If you want to be listed, with a brief 15 word message, as one of the sponsors of these discussion posts , you should:

  • Have a stake of at least 1000sp
  • Commit to upvoting each of these weekly discussion posts with 100 percent to help increase the distribution that goes to participants in the discussion.
  • Comment on this post expressing interest. Make sure to include the 15 word message you want displayed next to your name, and if you want a group name or nickname displayed instead of your username.

Sponsors will be listed in order by Stake around this point in the article.

The Initiative

Right now, it is important to develop the discussion aspect of Steem. In order to do this, the experimental account, @penny4thoughts was created by @remlaps.

If the account (@penny4thoughts) is set as a beneficiary, it will evenly distribute the liquid portion of the post's rewards to the authors of comments that the post author upvotes with 100 percent voting power. For this post, and all future [Discussion Posts] in the category 'penny4thoughts', I will be setting @penny4thoughts as a beneficiary for 100 percent of the posts' rewards, and I will monitor the discussion and upvote valuable contributions.

Additional Information About My Use of Bidbot(s)

In addition to rewards from sponsors' upvotes, I am also committing to using bidbots to try to increase the amount of liquid rewards of these discussion posts so that there is more stake for rewarding engaging discussions. I know that the use of bidbots has been looked down upon, but I think an exception can be made when trying to enhance the community through rewarding positive discussion.

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