EOS is coming!

Notice to my viewers:

This is the ICO I am most excited about! In some ways, this is spilling the beans and I do not like sharing about EOS. Often these days, when I say an investment will go up, it shoots up huge shortly afterward. Does big money follow my YouTube channel now? Oh well, this is steemit! Maybe I will make a YouTube video about EOS and charge people $5 to watch it?

On steemit, you guys pay with your likes! Plus, most Steemers know about EOS anyway.

What you have to know about EOS is that all future app development that wants to handle any serious through-put of traffic, and smart contracting, is going to have to run on EOS. This @dan guy who built EOS is probably the only person on the planet proficient enough in technical specifications with blockchains to actually build EOS. As much as Vitalik is praised for Ethereum, this dan guy can build things better to handle massive traffic volumes, which Ethereum will probably never do.

According to scripture, I am a lender and not a borrower. Also, according to scripture, I am the head and not the tail, blessed above all nations of the Earth, and EOS is that mechanism of the future. With it, large companies will pay us rent to use our token's output to run their apps. They will come to us in order to operate. Cryptocurrencies ultimately up-turn old systems, and this will be an example of it happening in the world of app development for the future.

As Steemers, none of you should really miss the boat on this one. @dan the man can deliver, and this will probably be the one that gets him further ahead on the market cap chart than Steem or Bitshares. Notice his first two projects sit either #10 or below it, but both solid projects... his 3rd project? Top tier.

Source: @eosio/draft-eos-token-sale-smart-contract

PS - Will be going to Colorado, so I wont have much content until next Wednesday.

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