Why Steem Exist - Facebook Bans Canadian Libertarian For Saying It Targets Conservatives!

Lauren  Southern

Facebook has issued libertarian Canadian commentator Lauren Southern with a 30-day suspension after she criticised the social network for banning the administrator of a right-wing Facebook page.

Only a few days after the widely publicised meeting of “top conservatives” with Mark Zuckerberg to address censorship of conservative media on Facebook, it seems the site is up to its old tricks of silencing conservatives and right-wingers.

The admin of Disdain for Plebs, a pro-Trump, alt-right Facebook page, was banned for arguing that Trump was not anti-Muslim, but anti-ISIS, and that his proposed ban on Muslims was not due to innate racism, but because “Homeland Security cannot differentiate which Muslim is radical wanting to cause harm and which is a harmless refugee.”

Facebook moderators, however, apparently considered this to be wrongthink. The post was subsequently removed, as can be seen below, and the account suspended.

Screenshot of Facebook

Ms. Southern then posted on Facebook that she thought it was “utterly insane” that the ban was administered for something as simple as that. Facebook then proceeded to delete the post and ban her too!

See full article at Breitbart: http://www.breitbart.com/tech/2016/05/21/facebook-bans-canadian-commentator-for-saying-it-targets-conservatives/

If someday there is a law that transfer intent, where the owners of the platform could be held accountable for what users post on them, is there a chance for steem to actually be forced to have that kind of guidelines?

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