An Interview with Steem Founder, Dan Larimer, on Creating Systems to Make the Government Obsolete

Many of you may know Dan Larimer @dantheman, co-founder of Steem, purely for his role with Steem and Steemit.

What you might not know is that he is an incredibly philosophical anarchist intent on changing the world for the better. He's also incredibly astute on economics and even says on his own blog that he uses "Austrian Economics to engineer the economic incentives which make freedom and non-violence profitable."

We got into numerous topics in this interview including many Steem related topics.

Of particular note, he states that unless people support the platforms created for them (like bitcoin and Steem) they will not succeed. But the platforms are set-up in such a way that if they do succeed they will free humanity dramatically.

It's a fascinating interview and you can see it here:

Dan unfortunately can't make it to Steemfest but his co-founder, @ned, will be there... as will I! If you haven't checked it out, go to It is coming up in less than two weeks in Amsterdam.

As well, we announced during this interview that Dan will be speaking at Anarchapulco in the last week of February in Acapulco, Mexico. We are going to have an entire crypto/blockchain day called Cryptopulco at the conference and will also have many other top crypto names like Roger Ver @rogerkver, Trace Mayer @tracemayer and many more.

Check out the interview and I'll hope to meet many of you at Steemfest and Anarchapulco!

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