Update - Free Steem Faucet

I was able to join yesterday and now I understand how it works. If you want to register for this free Steem faucet, check out @klye 's page for more info. He is the creator of this and has some posts on how to join.

So what I've seen is you get 0.001 Steem per hour once you are registered. I believe it's based off of how much Steem is in the faucet. Also you get to redeem when you get one Steem. So is this good though? I think it's alright.

If you calculate 0.001 by 24 that's 0.024 Steem per day. That means that it will take approximately 42 days to redeem. I might be wrong, but this is what I've noticed so far. Either way it's free so I'm not complaining. Go ahead and check it out if you want to get some more Steem.

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