⏺Steemit price crashing, what now?

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I have one very simple answer to this, and yes I know most people who read this have short attention spans. So for all of you who are in a hurry, my simple answer is at the bottom for you!

But for those who want some more details, I think it would be best if I build up to that answer with a little more explanation.

It all starts with mindset.
Whatever I say now, I am talking more specifically/personalized towards Steemit. The fact is, there are many people coming onto this platform lately with a very short-term, 'quick-buck' attitude. That might work if you are using your account like a casino, hoping that some of your posts will get a huge upvote or two.. But this is not going to set you up for success.

Why am I discussing this first? Because it's the biggest reason for people being desperate on this platform. It's the biggest reason for spam. It's the biggest reason for so many people quitting when price decides to short.

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As funny as it sounds, you need to stop thinking about the money. And hey, I am not your parent, you don't have to listen to me, but numbers do not lie either. The odds are, if you do solely focus on the money, there is a good chance you will get eaten alive in your initial stages.

Nothing truly successful happens overnight. I know, some people are overnight victors, but so are Lotto players. You need to create a long-term vision for your account. The ironic thing is, when you are focusing on how much you're making, you are never satisfied, and you tend to generally not do that well.. But when you focus other things like making the best content, and building real friendships, a lot of the time you will start doing much better financially.

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I joined Steemit 19 days ago. I am in no means saying that I know everything, but I have spoken to a few of the most successful people so far on Steemit, and they all are telling the same story. Most of the big accounts that you see today, did not happen from a quick deposit. The 1% of Steemit 'heavy-hitters' have been here for more than a year already. They stuck things through when price was at $4, as well as when price dragged itself all the way to below 10 cents. That's how many of them made majority of their Steem Power.

So, what is my opinion of Steem prices dropping? I am a little disheartened.. Note that I said "a little". I am disheartened because of the fact that so many people are losing faith.

However, I am FAR more excited! See I want price to drop to 10 cents again for various reasons.

Reason 1:
So that I can test my ability to be patient, and to grow this community for what it is here for.

Reason 2:
So that I can invest external money into the account for when it starts to rise again.

Reason 3:
By having all the space wasters (no offense) leaving, the rewards pool would become stronger for each individual. It's like sharing a packet of sweets with 100 ungrateful people, versus 10 appreciative people.

Reason 4:
To filter out all those people who are here just for a 'quick buck'. The joining rate is increasing every single month, and majority of people, when it comes to anything in life, will have the wrong mindset. By price falling to that price, most of those spammy people would have lost all motivation, and simply given up.


The simple answer: (Mentioned in the beginning)
You need to stick with things through the good times as well as the more stressful times. For people who can learn to do this, are rewarded accordingly!

Guys, let me know your thoughts in a comment. I love to interact with you all!

Remember that I upvote resteemers, and quality comments.

My main Instagram account is currently at 36K+ Followers.

You Can Follow Your Boy Here @ENAZWAHSDARB (445+ Amazing Followers Strong)

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