Introducing the Mentions App for Steem

Have you ever wanted to see all the posts you're being mentioned in?
Are people referencing your posts in theirs, and what are they saying?
Or perhaps more generally, what kinds of discussions happen around particular topics?

I have built a concept search app to answer some of these questions I've been having.

Screenshot from 2017-05-29 15-51-42.png

You can search for 3 different kinds of relationships.
1.) User Mentions
2.) References (backlinks)
3.) Search Terms

User Mentions

User mention is when someone refers to someone else in their post using the @user notation.

To find all recent posts that mention someone, type their @username in search (@ is necessary).

For example, when I narcissistically searched for myself I found plenty of responses to my own posts that I never knew existed, novel ways of using SteemData, ideas for SteemQ, and other goodies.


Like user mentions, backlinks are a powerful way of discovering replies, and broader discussions around ideas sparked by particular posts.

To search by backlinks, simply paste a link of the original post into the search.

For example, here you can see all posts that mention recent announcement.

Keywords and Phrases

While User Mentions and Backlinks are very precise tools, sometimes its useful to look for areas of discussion around a broader topic.

Treat the search box like a basic search engine. For example, here are the results related to machine learning.

To search for keywords and phrases effectively, follow these strategies.

Post Includes ANY of the keywords

machine learning

Post Includes ALL keywords (unordered)


Post includes a phrase (ordered keywords)

"machine learning"

Mix and match (machine learning posts that mention 'brain')

"machine learning" brain

Exclude a keyword (machine learning posts that don't talk about 'brain'):

"machine learning" -brain

Closing Thoughts

Mentions is a concept application, and as such, it has many rough edges.

I would love to hear your feedback...

  • is the app useful to you, and what are you using it for?
  • what kind of problems does it solve?
  • how can I improve it?

You can find the Mentions App Here

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