💹 STEEM overtake Waves and is now place 11 on coinmarketcap! (English/German)

Hello Steemians, everyone is talking about STEEM in the last days because of the big rise of the price and yesterday I saw that the coin "Waves" was still over STEEM related to the market capitalization. Today STEEM overtaked Waves and is now om place 11 of all cryptocurrencies on coinmarketcap.com!

[German] Hallo Steemianer, jeder redet in den letzten Tagen über STEEM wegen den großen Anstieg des Preises und gestern habe ich noch gesehen, dass der Coin "Waves" über STEEM in Bezug auf Marktkapitalisierung war. Heute hat STEEM Waves überholt und ist jetzt auf Platz 11 aller Kryptowährungen auf coinmarketcap.com!

Steem Market Cap 07-06-2017

The so called "Trollbox" on Poloniex, where people always cheering their coins, was full of STEEM comments yesterday, when STEEM was hitting an value growth of over 50 % in 24 hours yesterday. :)

[German] Die sogenannte "Trollbox" auf Poloniex, wo Leute immer ihre Coins anfeuern, war coll mit STEEM Kommentaren, als STEEM gestern eine Wertsteigerung von über 50% innerhalb von 24 Stunden erreicht hatte.

Here are some examples I have copied just for fun in a few minutes and there were a lot more:

[German] Hier sind ein paar Beispiele, die ich aus Spaß innerhalb weniger Minuten kopiert habe und es gab noch viele mehr:

steem 1 k possible
We scream for Ice STEEM
go STEEM gooo!!!
steem for the ween
steem is a gold mine
Shovel more coal into the STEEM engine
load more wood in the STEEMengine!
why steem?
jesus christ, steem
STEEM go !!! You are the best today!! :)
Steem is in beta just imagine when all the social media celebs go on there and post it will explode.
Steem yesssss you can do it
so why is STEEM doing well?
STEEM is going up because it's the only coin that has a valuable platform (steemit.com) without the coin
Steem just trying to break that next level
oh just checked it now... didn't know steem actually have a social media platform
Predictions STEEM ; 8 or 10 Dollars
steem gaining steam
steem is the future
wtf is happening to steem
i guess people are finally seeing that steem is the future
That STEEM volume
STEEM can this be normal grow?

Best regards and hear you in my next article!
[German] Beste Grüße und wir hören uns in meinem nächsten Artikel!

Jonas Ahrens


Jonas Ahrens

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