My Steem Journey #1 – How I got here

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My Steem Journey #1

I remember that @dedicatedguy suggested me a while ago that I should write about my journey on Steem and how I got to where I am right now because I might inspire some peeps and I do think that his idea is brilliant so I decided to do it. I will start a series of posts; I don’t know how much it will take, where I will try to share everything I did and everything I got involved in, giving you a look behind the curtains in the hope that it will help some people.

I am not a whale, not even a dolphin, nor do I have the most significant accomplishments on this platform but I do think that what I built so far here is solid and that the projects I work on have and will have an enormous impact on the community.

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I am here for a while, and I was able to meet many amazing people with different views, and I got a good understanding of how things work, and hopefully, the advice shared in this series will give you a hand. As for the first post I want to share with you how I got on Steem because my story is not an ordinary one, I didn’t just stumble upon this platform like that; it wasn’t luck or anything like it, my story is about perseverance, trial, and error.

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The Goal

About four years ago I had a goal; I wanted to make some money online without any initial investment because I was still a broke-ass student. I just wanted a place where I could work a lot and get something for it, a place that allowed me to develop new skills and succeed. In this time I was trying tirelessly different sites, methods, and ideas until I found what I was looking for. It wasn’t easy but it worth it.

I never fantasized about becoming a millionaire and having lambos, yayo, and hookers even if I often make jokes about these because my sense of humor is weird, all I wanted, in the beginning, was to make just enough for a coffee but let me tell you how everything began.

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Trial and Error

About four years ago I found out that you can make money on Youtube so I decided to give it a try, and I started vlogging. I reached out to a couple of friends, and we set up a team, one of the people helping us was @teos, everybody had specific tasks, I was mostly the guy behind the curtain, editing everything, running the show. We were recording comedy clips, and they got pretty popular in our area until the guy that was appearing in them died, and we shut down the whole production.

We weren’t necessarily doing it for money; we made $2 off the whole thing, it was more about getting involved and having fun. I remember that we were at least six in total, everybody contributing in some way even if we were still amateur YouTubers with no income. Thinking into retrospective, running that channel was the beginning of my creational journey.

After that, of course, that like anyone without any skills I got into gambling thanks to my uncle that first taught me some stuff about poker. I started learning and playing more and more; I was utterly fascinated by this field mostly because of the adrenaline that’s involved in the game and the possibility of earning money in an unconventional way. I was only playing freerolls, so I was not earning anything, but I was learning, and it proved useful when I arrived on Steem because I was able to play at @SPL but more on that in another post.

Along the way, I stumbled upon many Ponzi schemes, and I documented on the subject, a thing that proved very useful once I had money to invest into crypto because many things are too good to be true in this industry.

Last year I got into designs, I picked up Photoshop and started creating. My designs were decent, but I did not have the imagination to do them all on my own. I called my friend @another.artist that’s studying arts and decided to team up. She was making the logos on paper, and I had to copy and edit them in Photoshop and illustrator. We would’ve split the money in half. But of course, no one bought them, and because we didn’t stick with it, my freelancing career soon came to an end.

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The Golden Nugget

After tirelessly trying out new things I found out about Bitcoin and Bitcoin gambling which was the perfect match for me, but you can read more about that here. I was fascinated by Bitcoin, and what it stands for so I decided to learn more about it, and that’s when I found @JeffBerwick.

After a while, I found out about Steem from him and made an account that night. It was out of curiosity that I joined, that’s one of the reasons I have this username because after my introduction post it was too late to change it, I was hooked. Otherwise, I would’ve probably used my real name, but I’m not sorry at all it happened this way, I met a lot of great people thanks to this username.

In my first week on Steem I realized that this is it, this is what I was looking for all this time. I soon realized that I have to give it time because there are no overnight results and that my continuous efforts will pay off later and at the time I’m writing this, all my efforts paid me more than I was ever expecting and I’m forever grateful for that.

The pictures are from Pixabay: 1, 2, 3, 4.



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