Quit any Expectations on Steem

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Quit any Expectations on Steem

The funniest thing on this platform is the minnows that just show up, invested no time in this ecosystem, make some shitty to decent content and only expect the rewards, but that is not possible anymore. Maybe it was possible, at the beginning of Steem but I don’t know since I wasn’t here back then, all I know is that it’s not possible anymore.

It’s funny how all I wanted was to get my account to an estimated value of $100 in my first month, and these new people coming in right now have heard all the great stories of $15k posts, and they want to get there from day one.

Don’t get me wrong, it’s good to set huge goals but only if you actually pursue them, if you put in the daily work that will get you closer little by little if not, you have no right to expect a lot of money.

People have to understand that the big internet stars of today have published hundreds of articles or clips, without getting a penny until they became famous, so they cannot expect to be at their level from the first day. Even so, most of the minnows joining nowadays are making more in their first month than Gary Vaynerchuk made directly from his Wine Library youtube channel after 1000 episodes.

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Work Hard

Let’s say that you actually have the right mentality, you know that in order to make the real bucks you have to put in the work and go past your limits every day, and you even create great content, but you still have to quit any expectations.

For my first six months on this platform, I had little to no expectation of getting paid when I put out content. I knew that I will probably get nothing, and the best I might get was $1, but I still worked my ass off because I understood that you cannot attain greatness overnight.

I knew that I would have to work almost for free for a long time until I can get where I want to, but I still put myself out there every day either if it was in the form of a post or the type of multiple comments. For hell, I was making more money from comments than from posts, even if I spent a lot of time on posts too. The money I cashed out in my first months either came from @OCD or @SPl, but sure as hell not from my blog, since it was doing poorly but I still kept on going.

You have to quit your expectations, or they will destroy your blogging experience. If your Steem account is still in the early stages, you have to think about your posts as a way of improving your writings, learning or maybe even as discussion material for your close friends, anything but don't think about your posts as a way of making money because you will probably make little to none.

If you expect money because you see all these huge payouts and happy people, but you don’t make any, you will only get frustrated, and I’ve seen people dropping out of Steem because of that. I’ll tell you exactly what I said, my close friends, when they joined Steem, expect to make nothing for at least your first six months but keep on going at the same time.

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You have to quit any expectations because you will only get frustrated, but also, at the same time, you will have to work your ass off. Engage in the community, make tens if not even hundreds of comments every day so you can, maybe one day in the future, get discovered by someone and finally make some money.

Think about it as you create your future, you will have to work weekends, invest all of your spare time here for six-twelve months so maybe sometime in the bright future, you will be able to quit your worthless job and live the dream.

Expect nothing and put in the fucking work, this is the way you will attain greatness here.

The pictures are from Pixabay: 1, 2, 3, 4.



This gif was made by @laabo-afolabi, if you would like your own customized animated footer, contact him on discord at laabo-afolabi#9957

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