The projects I’m involved in


The projects I’m involved in

I’ve been thinking for a while about making this post because I want to update my followers on everything I’m working on both because I like transparency and because all these projects are eating up my spare time and that affects my involvement in the comment section as some of you might have seen.

What really made me write this was @meanmommy33’s last post which you should give a read because I’m somehow in the same situation as her. I want to outwork everybody, and because of that I almost burned out myself, and since I got a cold this Saturday night, I wasted a lot of time, but I am slightly recovering now and getting back on the old schedule.

Lately, I’m getting more and more project opportunities, and because of that, I have to manage my time even better, especially that many of them haven’t even been launched yet, but here’s a list of what I’m working on, in chronological order.

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OCD Curation

I am part of @OCD for what it feels now as being forever, I joined them in like the second week of curation, and soon after that, I was writing the 29th issue of the compilation posts. This is the first project I am part of since joining Steem in June 16th, eight months ago, and the payouts I have received from @OCD has consisted a big chunk of my Steem money for an extended period.

This will always be a project close to my heart both because I got to bond with the team, making some close friendships, I won’t even drop names because they are too many, and also being able to help so many undervalued Steemians that write amazing posts for pennies. OCD is mostly what I stand for on Steem, supporting people that create quality content even if they could start making shitposts for the same amount or even more with little to no work.

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@Sndbox is an incubator, a project that is supporting quality Steemians that would make nothing otherwise. I joined them about two months and something ago, and I will be forever grateful for the nomination because their support helped me gain an audience that is continually reading my work and that’s something that I wanted to accomplish for a while.

Besides their upvotes, just being part of the project and knowing that someone is continuously supporting my work and other people are reading my stuff, has pushed me to create more and more of what I consider to be quality content.


Thanks to them, other project opportunities have been presented to me, projects that will hopefully help the community as much as possible. In April is my team's curation “shift” for @sndbox-alpha where we’ll be curating more people as I’m currently doing for @ocd. And also there’s another project I’m working on with someone that’s part of the @Sndbox, project that will change the Steem experience of a few quality people but more on “soon,” we’re in the brainstorming phase right now.

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The STEEM Chronicles

I’ve been talking to @macchiata about launching this project for a long time now, and we teamed up with @whatamidoing too, and about one month ago we started brainstorming on this idea and making it happen.

As far as I know, something like this has never been done before on Steem, an online and offline free publication of some Steemians work. My goal with this magazine is to empower the promoters to spread the word more efficiently giving the off-chain people a direct taste of the blockchain.

Photo by @victorcovrig

We’re working on the cover right now and will be starting to take submissions for the content and nominate people to appear in the magazine. Everything we’re doing is for the community, we’re not selling the magazines, and all the money we are making come from Steem rewards and most of them will go towards the printing of the magazines.

You can read more about this project here and here.

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I started my Steem promotional campaign about a month ago with the primary goal of bringing more people on this platform because with all its flaws it’s a fantastic vehicle that could change for the better the lives of many people as it changed mine. As soon as I made my first post for the project I was blown away by the number of positive responses I have received and decided to make a discord server.

The community is slowly but continually growing, and we got to over 100 members in less than one month and thanks to @anomadsoul who received a delegation from @blocktrades and is now following my vote, I can support all the quality posts made on that server.

I set up teams now, and we’re preparing some tutorials and explanations in Romanian for all the new members that will come. I’m also starting a team for promotion, and my goal is to grow the server to 500 people by April, and hopefully, I’ll be able to support them all because I know what big of a difference constant support makes.

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Final Note

With my studies and all my Steem related projects, plus the constant content I produce my free time is getting less and less, but I’ll try to manage it even better and maybe even post about it here. The main issue is that I haven’t been able to reply to the amazing comments I receive lately, but I will try to focus more on them soon.

Another thing I want to mention and maybe some of you already noticed is that I’m not upvoting the comments I receive anymore. The thing is that my trail is not following on comment upvotes so instead of giving someone a 25% upvote on a comment that is only worth 12c, I choose to reward them with a 25% upvote on a post that is worth around $1.

I think that @Tuck-Fheman is the one that told me a long time ago that the key for success on Steem is joining projects and that’s what I’ve been trying to do since then and even if I’m neglecting other aspects of my life by doing so, I don’t regret it even a bit.

Now I’m trying to recover myself and be even more active in the future, and hopefully, my work will impact and help more people.



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