How do you like DLive now?

DLive was the first project that tried to follow DTube's ways that I didn't resteem. Why? Because they had a D in their name, but their website was centralized. They were (and still are) running a GraphQL database to serve all their content. They haven't ever used the trending or hot features of the steem blockchain. The only thing they used in the steem blockchain, was the rewards mechanism.

Then they took a community-made DTube logo (which we ended up not using), painted it purple, and called it their logo.

Then they begged for delegation, because they knew it was achievable after seeing other real decentralized projects getting it. And they got it, because in the end Ned doesn't care that something is decentralized, as long as it uses Steem for rewards... ok.

Then they started competing on the video market. That was a particular dick move because video upload was already possible on steem. Oh and of course they decided to put the fees at the extreme minimum of 0%, just like furion did with his shitapp when I released DTube. The idea behind that, is that of course this way you grab more users, and you can make other apps that try to generate revenue from their work look bad.

Then they started paying their 'staff', which were all recruited from the steem community. Some devs coded for them, some marketers did marketing, and all were paid out of the delegation... I have no idea how much money that represents, maybe some of the people who worked for them can enlighten me?

Then they added more centralized tools. Facebook login, Google analytics, and much more. They tracked you, while giving your data to big corps, and perfected their marketing techniques until you believed their lies good enough.

Then they started collecting your emails, with the innocent excuse that they want to alert you when a new stream that you follow starts. And you gave them your emails. And now you're getting spammed.

Then they quit the STEEM blockchain, so now I can finally make a ragepost about their project without looking like a greedy competitor who is mad about the turn of events.

Now, the truth has been revealed. We know that DLive has always been part of a larger project called LINO, which got funded in Febuary 2018 for $20,000,000 USD by a Chinese investment fund, on the concept of making a 'decentralized youtube'. Rings a bell?

So it all makes sense. They weren't trying to make money and pay for servers, or hire a team, and build a project. They already had all that. What they wanted to grab out of STEEM, was a community, while testing and building their UI. They already had $20M in bank, and slaved good-willed STEEM users to work for them for upvotes. They deceived Ned by making him think they needed money when what they wanted was attention. Their plan was to leave Steem, since the start of their project. They even said:

Our experimental simulation on the Steem blockchain

in March 2018 in the lino official blog, as if they were having good fun with it.

Now, I'm not sure if this post will get a lot of visibility or not, but tell me guys, why did you trust these liars despite all the warnings the good users gave you? Why did you work for them for upvotes? Why do you believe any lie you see? Because you are GREEDY.

You are all crying now because your dear DLive is going to their token after having provenly raped and lied to the STEEM economy for months. But as usual, you should just have listened to the same people who have been doing good and promoting STEEM, not a few random chinamen who registered 1 week before publishing their project, and who hadn't done anything before that.

I'm glad that this cancer is off of STEEM, but sadly the bigger cancer is still there, and they will keep on lying to you and promoting shitty projects. If you don't feel confident in your judgement, and if you used DLive in the past especially, here are the recommended steps to avoid getting used by the manipulators inside this network:

  • Follow your friends and people you truly appreciate reading or watching videos of
  • Follow me (should already be done if you followed first step)
  • Use the feed (its the steem homepage if you are logged in)
  • Never click Trending/New/Hot/Promoted categories
  • Dont ever go on the profile of a user you do not trust
  • Mute all the bots from the comments

Bonus content:

If you upvoted this comment of mine, I'm sorry I ruined your DLiver career :D

Update content:
Few hours after this post was published, someone started sending scam emails to random people pretending to be, trying to sell life insurance stuff (??). DTube will never send automated emails to you, we only use the emails for business emails between our staff and partners. Also we can't even send you emails because we don't know what are your emails, and we don't want to know.

It's very likely that they are doing that after reading up on my post which analyzes and details their full intent and premeditation of their scam from the start. Being the script kiddies they are, they didn't find a better way to annoy me.

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