98% of Steem currently held in Steem Power!! Securing the longevity of Steem!

First of all, this was pointed out to me by @smooth on a post below, but thought it was worth reposting;


Data from https://steemd.com shows that a massive proportion of Steem is currently held in vesting Steem Power;

  1. Steem (current supply): 95,949,815.277 STEEM
  2. Steem Power (total vesting funds): 93,765,476.432 STEEM

Percentage: (2/1 = 0.977): 97.7%

This is an interesting fact to consider, and in my opinion, should aid in the development of the Steemit platform, and help @dan and @ned achieve their 'evil plan for cryptocurrency world domination';


Steem Power is like restricted stock. Locked down for a 2 years period, and only returned at a rate of 1/104th per week, it guarantees that a traditional market dump cannot occur. This will also aid in the development of a stable ecosystem over time. Too many cryptocurrency are harmed by wild market speculation and market manipulation in their early days. Steem Power gives the Steemit platform time to develop, build a community, and move on to the next task, without the traditional;

Pump, Hype, Dump, Death...

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