7 interesting SEO facts about SteemIt.com

Hello guys,
time for new post about SEO and this time Steemit.

I have made a list of 7 interesting details about SEO/SEM metrics of the site.
Why 7? Because people say its a lucky number.

@1 Number of Indexed Pages

Google.com has About 93,000 indexed pages from the domain.
Bing.com has just 10 700

@2 Most popular user in Search Engines

The most popular user SEOwise is @marduk
I did not check if he did that organically or did SEO for his profile as it doesnt matter.

@3 Steem in China

The most popular Chinesse article about Steemit in Google is http://mt.sohu.com/20160706/n458088090.shtml

@4 External Links

There are around 33,549 external links (meaning 3rd party websites) pointing to Steemit content.

@5 Most linking countries to Steem

Top linking country by national domain is Brazil. The second place goes to Russia and 3rd to Germany.

@6 Keywords used to link to Steem

Content to Steemit is linked with over 13 000 keywords meaning over half of links on external sites are naked URLs.

@7 Unique ranking phrases

Steemit ranks top10 of over 5000 unique phrases in Google.com

Hope you enjoyed this little mockup.
If you guys gonna like such metrics next time i can go into more details :)

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