Making It Work: The Steem Ecosystem. "THINKING OUT OF THE BOX"!

I would like to take this opportunity to wish everyone a very merry Christmas, all the best in this season of giving, loving and warmheartedness. I guess "Seasons Greetings" would be appropriate too!

This post may be well accepted by some, may not be well accepted by others, all in all, as in real life, it isn't always what is said, but "Who says it".
However, in this case, it isn't a case of the person saying it, it is the people who need to "hear it", who need to suck up their ego's and pride and just not care as to who the source is, but take it and work with it.

If the shoe fits, wear it!

So here goes:

The Steem ecosystem is probably if not the most fantastic economical concept seen to date in the world of "economics".

Maybe not so original in some aspects, but overall, with the combination and the way in which the pieces have been put together the overall "system" is marvellous.


We see that there are some oversights, the main one being the cause of most of our grief.

What is that? some may be thinking right now.

It is the fact that our main business/commerce crypto token SBD can't seem to be pegged to $1 US.

Theoretically it is possible, as was stated in the whitepaper and sure, kudos to @dan who was the main mastermind in putting most of it, if not all of it together.

I have to say here, that what I do like about @dan is the way his mind works.


I can safely say that, because, his actions and ideas prove it.

However, when putting ideas/theories into action some issues always arise.

In the case of Steem, it is most definitely the pegging of the Crypto Token "SBD" to the USD.

I am sure that most of us have to date noticed this and based on all the ideas thrown around within the common sphere of how things are done in the crypto scene, I dare say that this is probably the main cause of ALL our headaches.

Some people have been throwing out the notion that SBD should be done away with!


Destroy the concept of this magnificent ecosystem that has the potential to change the world?


Why am I being so dramatic with the above statement?

Well, first of all, lets look at the facts:

Steem (the crypto currency) is an inflationary currency.

So lets all think about that for a moment or two;

If put into a bank and if it just sits there, with the inflation rates it will lose in its "buying power" and overall value.

Simple as that really, without going into all the nitty gritty that many theory orientated minds like to go into.

So, which of the businesses out there would be willing to take on Steem instead of USD?

Those that don't want FIAT? or maybe those that live in a state where crypto is defined in the tax laws?

I highly doubt it.

One of the biggest issues of "crypto" is that it falls under different categories in different countries. So the taxes that apply to crypto differ.

This really makes it difficult to sell the idea of a "crypto token" being = $1, in many more ways than one.

So even if the crpyto token SBD were to be able to be pegged to $1 as such, we are making life hard on the businesses out there in this world. Taxes on assets and profits etc etc etc. As if it isn't complicated enough for them already.

That is the reality of things, no matter how much anyone would like to talk about "what could be one day in the future", this is literally what we are faced with.

For those of us who believe that we can start the process of change in this world via crypto, we need to understand that we are living on this earth and that we need to overcome the challenges that we are faced with.

Change is a process!

OK, enough of an intro, time to get to the point.

Note: For those who skipped the intro, well, the rest of this could be a little too dramatic to accept.

So, here comes the parts that are going to definitely be taken the wrong way by many out there for whatever reasons.

As stated earlier, "Crypto" tokens are volatile, they are subject to market manipulation, different laws in different states and definitely as in the case of Steem, they are inflationary.

So how can we go about pleasing those who see the revolutionary concept of our Steem ecosystem and at the same time please those who want to get rid of SBD in its entirety?

Sounds impossible right?

Maybe to some, but lets think out of the box.

If SBD wasn't a "crypto currency" it wouldn't fall under the laws of "crypto" it would fall under existing laws of each state out there.

How can this be done?

Well, it's not all that "complicated" really.

If we were to declare SBD an internal "point" that is exclusively and nothing more nor less than an internal "User Reward Point", lets say for arguments sake:

Steem Backed Dollar Points (SBDP)

Yes, that's right. It no longer is a "crypto currency" and from that moment onward can not be traded as such, that would mean it is limited to our Steem blockchain and can only be used within our ecosystem.

Coffee break, many may need a breather for that one.

an "OMG" or a "WTF" or both of 'em moment for many.

Lets move on, when you are ready;

Points, Reward Points, Loyalty points, exchangeable points for discounts etc etc etc.

None of these are new to the world or business and commerce.

All of the states have laws that govern these types of transactions.

Hence, this is "ACCEPTED" and as such doesn't pose an issue on that side of things, as I mentioned earlier.

Don't believe me?

Google is our best friend for moments like this:

& what about some other searches on the topic, using different key words or phrases;

So from the above two snapshots we can see clearly that what I have stated about "Point Rewards" being accepted world wide and not posing an issue was 100% TRUE.

How does this affect the use of SBDP (points)?

Well, in some states, this could be a tax write off, it could fall under "barter" when they are exchanged for goods or services etc etc etc. All in all, the laws of the states out there have laws that are amicable to the businesses and not a killer of profits as when a business uses crypto tokens.

Basically, my point about that is clear by now and I am sure I don't need to flog it any more.

So, let's move onto the next topic;

How shall this affect our Steem ecosystem?

Ohhh man, here comes a can of worms, a Pandoras box and a million and one people who may stop reading at this point and start thinking within the to date criteria of the BTC generation thought patterns.


Well, for starters, ALL of the crypto called SBD would no longer exist.

Yes, that is right, SBD would no longer be a tradable crypto, as it simply would no longer exist.

Would this imply that the owners of SBD shall lose anything?


As their crypto would be either exchanged for Steem (crypto) at the current market prices or exchanged for SBDP (points) in accordance with their own wishes/choices. Hence no owner of SBD would be at a loss.

What this means is that SBD would have o be "recalled" and the owners of it can choose what to do with it.

Considering that SBD is currently at under $1 US, I dare say that most shall probably choose to keep their SBD and have it converted to SBDP which shall always be worth $1 US of Steem.


The Steem ecosystem shall continue to function as per the original concept. We are not ruining anything that we have.

The SBDP shall always be pegged to $1US.

It shall ONLY be exchangeable to $1 worth of Steem via the internal exchange, which burns SBDP when doing so, hence further enhancing the ecosystem and most importantly SBDP can be used by any and all businesses out there in this world as a safe means of doing business without all the complications that state laws inflict upon those using crypto.

What they do with their points is up to them. Shall they exchange them for crypto assets or barter them for something else with businesses that accept points (offer discounts for points), is totally up them.

I believe that this concept is at this point very clear to most people who have read this post.

The sad part about this post is that if @dan or @markzuckenberg or some other person like them had said it, it would be all the rave in discussion topics and commenting.

As I mentioned in the very beginning of this post, it unfortunately comes down to “Who” says it and not what is said.

I am sure that many who read this post, such as @pennsif, @whatsup, @shadowspub and many others out there won't "judge" the post or idea by the author for who s/he is, but actually "chew on the idea", "sleep on it" and be able to accept the fact of how we have many options available to us. Including but not limited to the one I presented in this post.

So far to date, with all the FUD out there, it is becoming difficult to keep an open mind, let alone think out of the box. All the negativity broadcast by those who are constantly living and thinking fiat has flooded the crypto world as the fiat values of crypto are not where most of us would like them to be!

I personally have been chewing on this concept for months.

Have literally spoken to a number of people who are in the economics branches, to two people who are in the legal branches and just as importantly to a number of private business people and crypto enthusiasts who have hacked away at this concept and so far not found a flaw in it.

Hence, why I have finally put it out in the open to get chewed on by "everyone" who actually reads the entire post and doesn't just "skim over it".

To the idea of Steem making the world a better place for one and all, to the idea of keeping our goal of making Steem the dream, I salute you.


Yours truly

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