Are you new to Steemit? If you do this you will grow faster

Well I wanted to share this information with the real author @bitcoinroute who is always putting good quality content. Well let's get it .... !!!!!!

When we start in this network we are influenced by behaviors that work here little or nothing, your first 7 days are crucial to delimit that you win from the beginning or you leave - test / error - until you understand how the dynamics are here

1 * Do not abuse the Selfies, they can work for those who already have some authority on the network and share updates like: "having coffee with my friends", of course it could generate some votes, but once or twice, In what you know how to do and you will make a group based on common interests, think if you see titles that do not interest you to read them.

2 * Tags are of great importance and value, for articles written in Spanish it is good to use the Spanish first, I recommend you to investigate in the search engine, other publications in the subject that you occupy, this would give you an idea of ​​which labels to use, In view that they are written in English and if you do not write them well your article will be out of categories that could give you visibility, for this it is also important that you use them in the topics that are, do not put a label that does not go with the subject, it is Annoying to open an article that we are not interested only because it is in the wrong category.

3 * It is very important that you understand that "Receiving is in the Dar" to build a community based on your interests, look for articles that comply with them and vote for them, follow the person if you like what you publish, comment on his article if Captured your attention and resteem the article that you liked to share in your personal blog, this will make the article you voted for is put back in the first and more people see it and vote for it, giving more profits to the author and Your healers, and the more valuable information you have in your space you will be forming a more solid community around you.

4 * Supporting the Spanish-speaking community is the basis of future success, we can practice our English and reach more people in both languages ​​today, but to gain authority in the network is easier to build in a niche that is almost unspoiled in Instead of competing in one with greater exigency, to arrive at the trendig General is a strong competition, whereas to arrive at trending in Spanish is more feasible while the community is small (this will not be for long). It is well known that many vote for articles in English because they can generate more profits, what they have not understood is that this network is just beginning and is getting more and more people with great contributions to the community in Spanish, when we support from the beginning Creates a strong bond that goes beyond a few cents, what we all want is that those who are new help us with those who already have a respectable voting power and forge our voting power that will also benefit them as the New if we use it as practice. I have 10 votes a day to the maximum power, I give 5 new articles and 5 of the most experienced, everyone should like clear. Today is worth little, but I am growing, who believe that I would give them my unconditional vote when it is worth good money? So we could in the future see publications in Spanish in the general trending-

5 * Follow me and I follow you is not useful: we all make that mistake, imagine that you follow 1000 people to follow it back, appears the notification of 100 updates in your feed, when you review anything you see interested, or Is in a language that does not dominate, there are many conversations that may interest you and would generate ideas to publish something that interests them as you, that is the healing content.

6 * The previous point also distances you from another practice that would give you great results RECIPROCITY, when someone votes for your content there are two reasons, liked or thought it would be a good business to invest in a good article that could make good money and give you benefits To you too, so it is important that you appreciate those who give you a vote, a comment or follow you, if you dedicate a day of the week at least to see the people who have given you a vote, those who have commented And those who have followed him, could find affinities many times, discover great articles and fellow travelers, distribute their votes in an intelligent way, forming an effective alliance that in time will be a fortress.

7 * Unexplained videos or untitled photos If you want to promote your YOUTUBE channel the best strategy is to give a brief review of what we will see if we play the video, both networks have different objectives, but we can strengthen one with the other, the Untitled photos do not say much, instead creating attractive titles to beautiful or funny photos, will give us an idea of ​​why it seemed interesting.

8 * Blockchain is a technology based on trust, since everything it refers to is public, no one can say that he did something he did not do, nor can he become an authority in the community if he does not comply with the rules They are creating for the coexistence. The area of ​​REWARDS and WALLET are the best thermometer in steemit, if you are a person who is shown in Spanish channels as someone who supports the growth of this and only votes English publications, the CURATOR section of Rewards has public information of the articles If the majority of you are in English, your niche should not be the community in Spanish as this community would notice your lack of support if you were featured in steemit, you could lose the job that cost your community because Is expected to be mutual support. Nor could you say that you earn a lot or a little because the Wallet section shows your winnings and how they are managed.

9 * Challenges, competitions, etc, are practices that can generate a positive result in the community, their visibility, support and of course the profits if the lucky one and the mentions in these spaces would bring more visits and followers.

I recommend for this to follow @ spanish-trail @cervantes @provenezuela @sethroot @cardumen @ drakkomaximo1234 that makes a challenge for gamers, in short, there is more but they especially provide great support to the community that publishes in Spanish and make contests and Mention or vote for our articles, leaving good rewards in coins

10 * Cervantes chat in discord ACCESS HERE, it allows you to interact with part of the community, also works as a repeater of your publications since they have by categories sections where we can publish our work and submit it to the community vote.

This is not a manual, I think it is the healthiest way to grow a community if we want to continue giving profits and endure in time, no one will get bored and leave, not leave their space because they did not receive votes, that Do not wear out because others with less ability receive rewards that you deserve. Let's make this a functional blockchain community give value to our beautiful Spanish language

Well I wanted to share this information if I serve them I remind you that this post is @bitcoinroute if they want can visit their blog. !!!!!



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