Earn dollars with Steemit

Hello dear reader, today I come to talk about a social network called Steemit through which you can earn dollars with effort and dedication.

First of all I would like to ask you the following questions:

  1. How many social networks are you registered?
  2. How much time do you spend per day on them?
  3. How many times do you post a day in each of them?
  4. How much do they pay you to publish?

Your answer to the last question has been "nothing"? They do not pay you anything But the truth is that there is a large percentage of all the content you generate in each of the social networks of which you form part, which has value. This value is largely measurable according to the impact, impact and interaction it has generated in each community.

All the information we generate in social networks we give to each company (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Google+, etc.) in a completely altruistic, and this is collected by these companies to better know each of its users and to offer them products And services according to their preferences, likes and dislikes through advertising that every day we see in each social network of which we are part. Did you really think that social networks were free because their creators were kind? XD ... There is a famous adage that says: "in social networks, information is power," and I tell you it's totally true, but that power is not exclusively yours.

Our world is always in constant change and the new paradigm is focused on the user, and today its importance is greater than ever, which is why today the big corporations in the world are prepared precisely by and for the user. In order to understand the concept and functioning of the Steemit social network, it is necessary to go back to the creation of Bitcoin.

In 2009 Satoshi Nakamoto (known as the creator of Bitcoin), launches Bitcoin, the first decentralized virtual currency. Its price would go from just $ 0.008 USD to $ 0.080 US in just two years and jump the barrier of $ 2,500 USD in 2017. But what is really relevant in all this? The technology behind the cryptonnet, the Blockchain.

In principle, we only thought about the money to use Blockchain, but over time, the developers saw the true potential that has and wanted to implement in different sectors. That's where Steemit comes in. "

What is Steemit:

Steemit.com Is the social network that takes advantage of the potential of Blockchain technology to reward in a fair, decentralized, balanced and sustainable way over time to each of its users through its currency:
Steem.A currency that is already on the market trading today at $ 2.07 USD per 1 Steem. Check the current value of Steem Click here.

The number of Cemetromonedas Steem on the market increases daily. One part is distributed to the miners who make secure Blockchain transactions and the other part goes to the content generators: each of their users (you, me, the neighbor, etc.).

Steemit is in beta, currently rewards your registration in the platform with Steem Power in your account so you spend it by voting for published content and comments that help you understand a theme X or that you like.

The operation of Steemit is very simple. As a user you have Steem Dollars and Steem Power. The former can be exchanged for physical money, virtual coins, sent to virtual wallets. For its part, Steam Power will serve to vote the publications and comments of other users.

When you publish and begin to generate content in your Steemit account, social network users decide if they support your content with 1 vote and with that your publication generates a value. 50% of this value will be "consumable" money and the other 50% voting power. It is a way to encourage users to stay active on the platform.

When you publish a post, the readers of the community will have several options to make with your content as an interaction, as follows:

1. __Upvote: __ symbolizes a "Like" or "Like" with which your content acquires value.
2. Flag: symbolizes a "Dislike" or "I do not like" which is usually used for content considered as spam (fraud, plagiarism, hate speech, false news, etc.) within the platform. Its use means that the content does not acquire value and is less visible. (It is recommended to use it exclusively for Spam content, its misuse will lower your reputation within the platform).
3. Reply: which is the option to comment on posts and reply to comments.
4. Resteem: the option to share by republishing the publications that are to our liking.

By commenting on a post (post) of any user in the community you also generate money, as users in the community can also vote for your comments that add value to the issues you discuss and in that way increase your profits within the platform.

You can make your registration by username with which you will be known in the community and your email. You must have a mobile phone as you will need to provide it at the time of your registration. Once you confirm your phone number and email, Steemit will evaluate your user's approval and will notify you by email by providing a unique random password for your account (you can not customize your password, they will always provide it to you). Well when it comes to passwords, Steemit has 7 rules which I detail below:


  • Steemit's first rule is: Do not lose your password.
  • The second rule of Steemit is: Do not lose your password.
  • The third rule of Steemit is: We can not retrieve your password.
  • The fourth rule: If you can remember the password, it is not safe.
  • The fifth rule: Use only randomly generated passwords.
  • The sixth rule: Do not tell anyone your password.
  • The seventh rule: Always back up your password.

A very important point is that you should keep your password in a safe place because in Steemit there is no button or option to recover passwords, so if you lose it by mistake there will be no way to recover it.

Once your account has been approved, you can personalize your profile with information about you, address to a personal web page or your preference. You can also start generating content from the first day and start making money.

You will have access to publications of interest through the tab located in the upper left with the names:

  • Home: Random postings recently posted by the people you follow (Your Feed).
  • New: new publications. Sorted by publication time, the most recent ones are listed first ..
  • Hot: most popular publications of the moment.
  • Trending: more voted, commented and more valuable publications.
  • Promoted: publications promoted by platform users, supported with payments on Steem Dollar.

On the right side of the web you can segment your search by tags or tags. These tags will give you some ideas of what to start posting. In principle I recommend the tags: spanish, steemit, steem, community. You can only use 5 tags in each publication written in lowercase and separated by spaces only. The idea is to use 5 of the tags that are located in the right panel of the page that are already created, this in order to boost your content inside the platform and that said content is read by users in the community.

Understanding Steemit:

I've already told you about Steem Dollar and Steem Power, then I'll detail a little more:

Steem Dollar (SBD):

It refers to a store of stable value (with respect to the real world), where each Steem Dollar (SBD) has a value of $ 1.00 USD. To date 1.00 SBD has a value of $ 1.72 USD. Check your current value click here.

Steem Dollar is an asset which is intended to have the same value as one (1) US dollar (USD). It can be bought and sold in the Cryptomonedass market just like the Steem. In the Steemit platform itself there is an integrated exchange rate allowing the change from Steem dollars to Steem. This process usually lasts a week.

Steem dollars generate an annual interest rate of 10% as long as they remain on the Steemit platform, but if the Steem Dollars increase in value over the dollar the interest may be stopped. On the other hand, if the Steem Dollars decrease their value, which is lower than one (1) American dollar and the amount of them is not very high, then the interest will increase.

If a platform user elects to convert Steem Dollars to Steem, there are three things he can do with steem:

  • Sell it
  • Use it as a cryptonex
  • Convert it to Steem Power.

Steem Power (SP):

It's the way you can vote in the posts, the more SteemPower you have, the more you'll be rewarded for creating new Steem coins. Even we can buy Steem with Bitcoin in the menu located in the upper right corner.

Steem Power represents the influence that a user has in the social network compared to the rest of the users of the community and is measured in the cryptoneda Steem. Steem Power can not be bought or sold, but can be transformed into Steem's cryptones in a process that lasts 104 weeks. This method is known as Powering down.

Each time you create a new user, the platform gives you a small amount of Steem Power. Steem Power you spend it to the extent that you vote for content and comments within the platform, but you can always get more Steem Power through a process called Powering Up where Steem becomes Steem Power.

As long as you have more Steem Power, the greater the impact of each of your votes. If the content is voted by someone with a steady amount of Steem Power then the post will be rewarded with Steem, Steem Power or Steem Dollars.

Steem Power has a maturing background of 2 years, which in order to convert it back into Steem you need to have 104 payments for your items. That's why you need to quickly turn your Steem Power into Steem through posting articles to try to get the most votes quickly.

How to earn dollars with Steemit

For example, you just generated content in your Steemit account and your post or entry has reached an estimated value of $ 500.00 USD then 100% of that amount will be paid as follows:

  • 75%, ie $ 375.00 USD will be paid to you as the author of the content of the entry.

  • 25%, ie $ 125.00 USD is paid to the curators, that is, to the users who have voted for your entry.

Of your 50% generated, half, that is 25% ($ 187.50 USD) is generated in Steem Dollars that are exchangeable for dollars through exchanges like Ploniex, Cryptopia, etc and the other 25% ($ 187.50 USD) You get paid with Steem Power. The more Steem Power you are, the more weight each of your votes in other posts and the more money you earn for filtering quality content for the community by making early voting.

The faster you vote and comment on content that becomes Trending, the more you earn. If you have been a user who has been able to select quality content for the community when it is newly published, Steemit will reward you for helping to position the publication.

Payments are made approximately 7 days after the publication or comment was created.

Publishing content in Steemit:

To make your first publication you must click on the Submit a Story option. Then you must choose a title, create the content you want to publish, choose 5 tags or labels and publish it.

Next I'll guide you to learn how to get your first payment from Steem in just a few hours:

__Step 1: __ You must be careful to write articles rich in content, An article with little text in Steemit has little value, and above all its profit goes to Steem Power and because we do not want Steem Power, what we need is to earn Steem Dollars and Steem for See the fruit of our work.

__Step 2: __ Look for items that have a profit of hundreds or thousands of dollars and comment on them. Create comments that add value to the article in question, so that the author of the article is interested in your comment and you upvote so that you win Steem Dollars.

__Part 3: __ The more you own items you generate, the more votes you get, which will result in a greater opportunity for quick winnings. When you compose a new article, try to get faster votes by promoting your new content on Steem Chat Where people often share their votes by way of exchange.

I usually use the following channels to promote my articles, so I recommend:

Step 4: Each article you write in Steemit should have several tags or tags, which will be the channels where the community will be able to locate your fresh content. The first tag will be the main category where your post will appear. So I recommend that you choose the label to use very well. Always use tags located in Tags and Topics in the right pane, since they are the ones that are most used by the community. It does not make sense that you create a new label that nobody is using since nobody will read your publication. I recommend you always use the five tags that Steemit allows you to put in each of your articles so that your content gets more traffic from users in the community.

Report taken from @dislorth can go to visit him.
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