Blockchain for Government Accountability


Many users of cryptocurrency and blockchain technology do so because they enjoy the anonymity provided by these technologies. This is a perfectly valid use, but one of the most important features of the blockchain, in my mind, is record-keeping. The occurrences on the blockchain never go away, they exist forever in a decentralized database. The most common use of this technology is to record and facilitate financial transactions.

I would argue that there is another use for the blockchain that holds more potential, and could lead to more widespread use of the technology. Public records.

No matter what your political inclination is, I think we all agree that government should be held accountable for the things they do. This includes policies put in place, communications between government officials, and the everyday decisions made by our governments that affect us as citizens.

This is a more scalable use as well. The methods for financial transactions don't typically change at a rapid pace, and any new method requires a critical mass of adoption before it becomes practical.

However, local governments can adopt and implement technologies independently of state or national level governments. Within their local ecosystems most local governments have enough autonomy to decide how they engage with their citizenry. Imagine a permitting system that exists in the blockchain, or a municipal code for which every amendment is recorded forever. Communications between councilmen and other government officials, recordings of public meetings.

Rather than coming from the top-down, blockchain technology can be adopted in smaller more nimble municipalities, empowering citizens and providing true accountability for local officials. Success will lead to larger government adoption.

STEEM has already shown the use-case for blockchain communication and storage of information beyond financial transactions. I'd be interested to hear the communities thoughts on this, and any examples of this use that may already exist.

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