Don't buy Steem on Poloniex.

I probably don't need to tell you that.

You might be thinking that with the falling price of BTC maybe you should put your coins in some other places.

You know......... just to hedge your bets.......... maybe short BTC a little bit using another coin.

Maybe you plan to ride it out and just hold your Bitcoin.

That's a reasonable idea as well.

I personally thought it was good idea to put some money into Steem.

I love the platform and I have full faith that it will come back up.

So I took some BTC and put it onto Poloniex which, despite everyone else's objections, is an exchange I use on occasion.

After purchasing my liquid Steem and then attempting to put it into my account and power it up I got this message.

Steem is currently under maintenance and is experiencing wallet and or network issues.

Deposits and withdrawals are disabled until a solution can be found.

This message has been up there for days.

I'm starting to wonder if I'm ever going to get to put my Steem on here.

If you think about it, by not having my Steem on this platform and not powering it up Poloniex is actually costing me money.

Sure it might only be like a quarter but that's still a quarter.

So take my advice for now.

Don't buy Steem on Poloniex.

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