Steem Bug Bites India ! WannaCry Ransomware Brings Cryptocurrencies Into Spotlight

South Asia bites the Steemit bug, and it's especially heartening to see so many new members from India joining.

The WannaCry ransomware attack was bad (of course it was, being one of the biggest cyber-attacks ever). But one good thing that came out of it, now everyone knows about bitcoins and cryptocurrency.

Take a look at the popularity trend of the word ‘Bitcoin’ on Google:

Says a lot doesn't it. The peak in interest is akin to the one observed in 2013. This is good for cryptocurrencies (Steem included) to make inroads into people’s minds. But yes, for Bitcoin to get attached with a ransomware is not the most ideal way to spread the word about cryptocurrencies.

India is country, where the there are no regulated bitcoin exchanges. With no regulator, there is no one to solve complaints and users are left in the lurch. Even the central banking institution of the country, the RBI (Reserve Bank of India) has cautioned users, holders and traders of virtual currencies to refrain from dealing in the same, given the potential risks. Luckily, a committee has been formed to help draft measures to deal with virtual currencies. Till then, we are left waiting and watching in the dark. It is often the case that something that is good for the people, is least on the government's priority list.

Whatever be the case, Steemit is a revolutionary social news website! And I'm glad that as more users join and grow with the community, they will in turn inspire new users to adopt this website.

Steemit isn’t just the future, it's also how things should be. It’s a community that’s harbored in love. And a place where there's love, where we grow, live, thrive is called HOME!

Image sources - Google/Internet

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