Steemit Registration - Limiting Platform Adoption Rate

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I have been recommending Steemit to all my followers on Youtube for about a month now. Many have signed up, but the feedback/comments are always the same. The registration process is frustrating and wait time for account creation is too long. It can often take 2 or more days for an account to become active.

The long wait time for getting a Steemit account up is a big turn off to anyone wanting to try the platform. Psychologically, users are at peak interest when they sign up.

This is similar to when you decide to make an online purchase. It is a critical moment where you have made a commitment, but satisfaction has yet to be determined. Steemit registration is not satisfying potential users. Instead, it is frustrating or even infuriating.

I'm not sure there is anything we can do to fix this. But it should be of concern if we plan to disrupt the industry. We are spoiled, and we KNOW this community is amazing. However, there are countless people giving up before they ever get a chance to be a part of it.

Please share your ideas/opinions/concerns about the process. If you have an insight in how to fix it, please share.


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