Hardfork 19 Official Release Now Public! I'll Be Switching My Servers to STEEM v0.19.0 Over The Next Few Days! Excited for This Update!

Release can be seen here: https://github.com/steemit/steem/releases/tag/v0.19.0

( Screencap from the STEEM github showing the fresh Official HF19 Release! )

Turns out my earlier intel was spot on and we will in fact be seeing hardfork 19 roll out next week! I've copied the release notes from the github to share below:

Steem Equality 0.19.0 Release Notes

The hardfork is schedule for Tue, 20 June 2017 15:00:00 UTC (11:00:00 EDT)

All witnesses should update to 0.19.0


0.19.0 requires reindexing from all previous versions.


This Hardfork is about changing the rewards curve to be stake proportional. The original proposal can be read on steemit.com.

Linear Rewards

With the introduction of a linear reward curve everyone will have a say directly proportional to their stake. #1051

Square Root Curation Rewards Curve

This is to offset the changes in rewards due to the linear reward curve. Curation rewards should stay roughly where they are.

Increase Vote Impact

Each vote's impact has been increased by 4x.

Witness Price Feeds Properly Expires

Fixed a bug that prevented price feeds from expiring.

Historical Posts Cannot Be Deleted

Once a post has existed for 7 days, it can no longer be deleted.

Cancelling a Steem Power Delegation Fixed

Fixed a bug that prevented cancelling a delegation in some circumstances

Deleting Post Condition Part of Consensus

Previously, requiring a post had 0 rshares before deletion was enforced via a soft fork. Now it is part of consensus

account_create_operation Fixed

There was a bug in the account_create_operation. Our short term fix was to temporarily disable the operation. It has been fixed and is re-enabled.

Fixed 0 Delegation Objects

Previously, creating an account with 100% STEEM would create a 0 delegation object. This has been fixed.

Optimized Full Node Reindex

Addressed several changes to increase full node reindex speed.

New Follow Plugin Option

When starting the follow plugin you can specify an epoch time to start calculating user feeds --follow-start-feeds. Default is 0 to always calculate feeds.

Increased p2p Stability

Fixed an issue that was causing instability in the p2p network when live and when syncing.

Disable get_block at Runtime

With --disable-get-block you can disable get_block and get_block_header in the database API at runtime.

( All above text directly ripped from https://github.com/steemit/steem/releases/tag/v0.19.0 )

KLYE's Thoughts

I oppose nothing in the proposed software upgrade above and will be supporting it! It is noted however there is a chance of reward pool / payout anomalies possibly occurring similar to the ones that manifested themselves after HF18. It's impossible to tell at this point what exactly will happen when we flip over to STEEM version 19, such is the nature of groundbreaking experimental software. Looking forward to trying the new reward curve out as well as seeing our voting power being significantly increased.

Have a great day or evening and I'll see you again soon here on STEEM.


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