The Unnecessary Quest to Replace Fiat & the Emerging Nature of the Crypto Universe

One Coin to Rule Them All? ... Nah

I have heard many people speaking of this coin or that token, as a competitor or successor to Bitcoin, in the race to be a functional replacement for fiat currency .. like the not-so-good OLD greenback, but should this still be something sought after? Certainly Bitcoin has not made the advances that people hoped for, in terms of transacting for products and services most folks continue to use government issued currency for .. but that does not equate to any degree of failure, as the current price of Bitcoin (as a commodity and a nonperishable store of value) attests.

Fiat will die, as will centralized, and by definition non-democratic governments .. only to be replaced by a kaleidoscope of coins, tokens, and whatever the hell else you want to call them.

The Future is an extremely diverse place ..

With "communities", sub-cultures, organizations big and small, hobbyist collectives, revolutionary cells, product development teams, cracker networks so on and so forth, each doing their own thing, which is not necessarily meant to be understood or even seen, by any other group. Technology itself will be networked and constantly in communication, trading information and perhaps 'measures of value' between them, with no human actors interfering in the process .. only enjoying, or suffering outcomes. For example .. a group has their own token to represent authority within the group, something that can be traded, or loaned, or earned .. or on the technology side, a fridge and the central heating system in a home trade energy credits between themselves, for after hours operations, based on need .. a negotiation which in turn can be related to the savings this conversation generated, which then can be used by the freakin microwave.

No Need to Compete, Just Win or Not

The myriad blockchains which make use of tokens, and those aspiring crypto-currencies, have created this beautiful mess of options for we enthusiasts and fortune-seekers. Those of these that 'deliver' for the most number of people, or the most economically powerful groups, will win .. and those that offer very little, or that could but are simply not utilized by a sufficient number, will fail. Then there will be those groups, or projects that make use of these things as a method of raising capital, as we have seen with more than a few ICOs of late .. there is no need to directly compete with any other technology, just serve the intended purpose, and if enough people feel you .. you're good.

There is no need to be "a better Bitcoin" .. Bitcoin is what it is, and it will be what it is, forever .. unless governments decide to kill it off. People who say, that can't happen now .. I wish that were the case, but the moment the larger Western Economies recognize it as a real threat they can make it illegal to create, trade, transact with, or purchase or sell it with or for fiat currency - the investment that we have seen in the crypto-realm of late would dry up faster than you can say .. "motherfuckin governm.."

In the Meantime, The Traders Always Win ..

As these things rise and fall .. or rise n rise, the traders will always gain - so if nothing else, your coin will feed that feeding frenzy. :-) They will make lemonade out of your LemonCoins before they turn to RottenSqueezedDryLemonCoins .. and hopefully you will make some too. Otherwise, these blockchain based units of measure, can be used for a thousand different reasons .. and they will.

STEEM has Decentralized Social Media By the Ball ..oons!

At this particular point all other attempts have either stalled in development, or are just plain shitty. New forms of paywalls and silly little micro-payment tipping gizmos, or just plain bad implementation of something that we are already enjoying .. a real economy, with a great many very happy participants. So, after mentioning all those groups and purposes, I would suggest to the wannabe chain + token creators out there, move on to something else .. because we got this!

Thanks for taking time to give me a read!
- @kurtbeil

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