Steem API Explorer

Steem API Explorer is a tool for testing Steem API calls. It is useful for developers but also for people who just want to see the raw blockchain data.


Select what method you want to call and get a set of changeable parameters. The result can be viewed either as formatted JSON, raw JSON or expandable tree.


Errors are output explicitly and can be tracked to the the relevant API method in Steem, for example database_api::get_account_references as shown below.


Get this post
Get account lantto
Get trending categories
Get number of Steem accounts
Get pending Steem Dollar to Steem conversions for lantto
Get blockchain config
Get blockchain variables such as total supply and latest block number
Get block number 3963025
Get account creation fee
Get witness roadscape


  • Use the arrow keys to quickly browse methods and see what parameters they take.
  • Your last query is contained in the URL in case you want to share it.


  • get_account_references is not working due to this.
  • get_best_categories, get_active_categories and get_recent_categories seem unused if you look at this and will always return empty results. get_trending_categories works though.
  • For get_transaction and get_witnesses I haven't figured out what input they require. If anyone knows please give me a shout!


  • Add the remaining methods
  • Add loading spinner for slow methods
  • Description of parameters
  • Sortable table view for list results

Built with


I would love to hear your feedback as I'm sure there are many ways to improve this.

If you like my tools, please give me a follow! @lantto

3 columns
2 columns
1 column