What is it about STEEM that its tanking so hard? // An open letter to STEEMIT.INC

I have been thinking lately as to why STEEM is performing so abysmally compared to all other cryptocurrencies.
We can talk all we want about the bear market and how every coin is performing badly in relation to USD but as someone that doesnt really care much about fiat values, i cant not stop and look:

48th in market cap....

With all this talk about community and friendships and belief in the "power of the people", we are slipping. Remember when we talked about Blocktivity?

Screenshot (194).png

Remember when we flaunted this as the best representation of blockchain value?

Not many are talking about it now. Steem is dropping down the ladder fast in every regard. Where is this community that we praise so much? The user base?
What is it that we have here that should reassure us that STEEM will regain top 20 in market cap after some time?
It surely isnt STEEMIT.INC.

I put all my chips on SMTs. Every sliver of hope i had for this blockchain to succeed i had riding on SMTs.
And now that is pushed back with the layoffs.....

I wanted to migrate my business here. Run it atop of the STEEM blockchain and now im looking and all i see is STEEM sliding into the abyss.
How in the world have things gotten so screwed up?
Remind you, i dont care about USD values. Im talking in relation to other blockchains.

We have a entry level blockchain with huge potential for growth, potential for creating a whole society on top of it and we are going down the shitter.

Steemit is basically Facebook that pays you for upvotes!

Look, i dont know whos to blame, but with anything in life you always need to go to the source. And the source is @ned and @dan.
Dan left and Ned took it upon himself to run the majority stake in the STEEM blockchain. And as much as i always am behind the management of whatever company i might invest in..... and as much as i can have understanding for someone running a multi-million dollar company, i have to say that this is really bad.....

It gotten so bad that @ned is looking for allies in Tron. In Tron.

Now... its relatively easy to disregard opinions of anyone that criticizes Ned. "They dont know. They never done what hes doing"... But the truth of the matter is... Ned is fucking up. Big time.

I dont care about the premine. I dont care that Steemit.inc holds, 20%,30%,40% of all stake but i do care when they show gross mismanagement of that stake...
There is absolutely no way that someone can lead a company to 70% layoffs without suffering severe consequences.
And Steemit.inc and Ned try to pass this off as something "normal"... As a consequence of "the bear market"...
No.. that explanation doesnt cut it.

I have worked with people that could buy the whole blockchain 10 times over...People that jumped from a ship in the New York harbor with nothing in their pockets and became multi-millionaires in their lifetimes. I even tried to contact Steemit.inc about trying to attract those investors i know, but half way i realized that putting my reputation and the reputation of my family, that took 3 generations to build, on the line while STEEM is slipping down to obscurity was an extremely idiotic thing that could hurt me badly...

I hold some pocket change in STEEM. 3-4k STEEM in total and my influence is basically 0.... I tried to be a part of communities, but my stomach turns when i see the absolute incompetence of leadership even at those low levels. Echo chambers and petty power games for a few dozen STEEM.

Never once is the power of the community utilized, or even attempted to be used in any regard. @timcliff being the only one ive seen that tried to do that and that mostly failed due to "lack of individual short term gain" for some.

Everything has become perverted. Communities locked in self gratification. "Feel good" meetings where the sole goal is immediate motivation to "not quit".
Im a part of @helpie (after today i probably wont be) and that group of individuals are extremely capable in absolutely everything they do. Each of them screened before accepted into the group......
And do you know what the weekly meetings look like?

They shill posts and spend time rewarding those that "make the most comments on posts".

One of the most influential communities on the STEEM blockchain spends time on kindergarten nonsense.

Give me a 100 people and ill move a nation.

To hell with communism, but Lenin started the Bolshevik revolution with less.

But it all starts with you @ned. When people see that STEEMIT.INC isnt doing anything in regards to "spreading the word", isnt putting in any visible marketing efforts, then the community leaders play kindergarten games and dont do jack as well.
You are a role model for everyone here, for better and worse. Even for those that criticize you the most.

In my country of Croatia we had a prime minister (Ivo Sanader) that was corrupt, that pushed us back 10 years and at that time the general sentiment was to follow in his footsteps. Most in position of power and young people copied how he acted and what he did.
Same thing here on Steem..

If Steemians perceive you as static and incompetent, then they will not put in the effort to do anything of value.


Its never good when a change in management happens, but the truth of the matter is that you need to step down or you need to get HELP...

To end this post with some kind of recommendation as to not having it seem as im criticizing without offering a solution...

1.Utilize the power of the community. I made a post about this a few weeks back and i emphasized that "call to action" like the one we had during the NETCOINS hype needs to be repeated time and time again and used in any way possible. Simply because ITS FREE.

2. Use the damn devs you have on STEEM that believe in the success of STEEM. @heimindanger acts like an ass with his childish feuds with Bernie, but ive never seen someone so invested in the success of STEEM. FFS he earns less then most Dtubers. There are so many like him that will put in the work if their voice is listened to.

3. Shove your ego in a box and beat it with a stick @ned. Your last youtube livestream was painful to watch. You didnt even acknowledge @andrarchy was sitting next to you. If you dont show appreciation for others then you will never be seen as a "strong leader" or a capable CEO. All you will get are ass kissers, and those you can find where ever you look.

4. Cut everything else. Go with @smooth proposal and move attention from STEEMIT to STEEM.
If you can pull off SMTs then that is something that could turn everything around. But dont do anything if you cant back it with a strong promotion.. Promotion, brand recognition and marketing in general is everything in the crypto market.

@jerrybanfield, for all his dishonest and borderline fraudulent conduct and having the STEEM community label him as a lunatic has done more for promotion of the STEEM blockchain then all the community leaders combined. And we all know thats the truth..

Just look at that gorgeous face.

Let me tell you a story.

During the war of independence in Croatia in the 90s a high ranked military member came to my fathers small town of Dugopolje to gather those that will defend the country. All the families came together and met on the main square in the town. Young men came forward, their mothers and fathers speaking in their place...
"Hes a nice young man. Never gets in trouble. Always does his chores and works hard."
One after the other came and always the same story was told while the military man stood and watched unimpressed..
Finally he spoke and said:

I dont need nice young men. I need those that can shoot and kill another man when it comes to it...

I know its harsh but STEEM doesnt need hugs, pats on the back and kindergarten playtime. We need motivated individuals that can do what needs to be done.

Thats about it... Ill bot this a bit for exposure.

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