[Notice] Today Errors in Steemfollower.com

Hello my friends,
Are you good?


As you know, Today we had much Error(3) and Error(4). But why? let me explain.

In Upvote exchange page, when you click on Upvote button, Upvote order will be sent to SteemConnect.com. If the result was true, Post permlink and Author name will be sent to Steem Node, And Steem Node will verify that you upvoted or not.
Error(3) is because of Steem node Unverify. If Steem Node Detect you not upvoted that post, you will get Error(3). But you upvoted that post. The Problem is here.

Steem node sometimes needs more than 3 seconds to verify your upvote. Because of that, Today I increased Upvote process extra 0.5 seconds. Total waiting time is 2 seconds. I can't increase this time because upvote process will be really slow. I think 2 Seconds is Good for now.

After Steem Node verification, Upvote time will be checked. If upvote time was older than 60 seconds, you will get Error(4). This 60 seconds limit is because of security problems.


If you get any Error(3), Wait 5-30 seconds then click on 'Try again' button. Make sure this process will not be longer than 60 seconds. otherwise, you will get Error(4).

It is still beta version. If you have any suggestion or any feedback, Please Comment below. Or Contact me by discord channel. or find me in steemit.chat as mahdi.yari.



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