- Vote distribution (What do the people on the richlist vote on?) - Vote distribution / What do the people (on the richlist) vote on?

Announcing a website that displays vote distribution over the categories. This data is available per account / for the top 100 users with the most Steem Power (SP) / all users. Filter on the top 100 users with the most SP and see what type of content they upvote the most! Loading the chart for a specific user takes a few seconds.

The goal is to extend this website with more interesting charts, next up is a line chart showing category popularity. I am using a database containing all steem data to generate these, so there are a lot of options. If there is a chart you would like to see, please leave a comment and vote on the ideas of others.

If this post does really well I might look into releasing the steem historic data API or running it as a service.

Feel free to use the data some other way:

GET /api/votes

account_name: show only vote data from this account (any steem account name)

top_sp: show only vote data from the top 100 accounts (SP) (true/false)

days: 0 for all, 1, 7 and 30 for 1, 7, 30 days respectively (0,1,7,30)

For example:

3 columns
2 columns
1 column