if I lost this account, would you care?

What would happen to me? Would I be freaking out broken on the floor defeated, thinking about all the times I have failed myself. Would that be it? Would I not even try to make it right somehow? - I mean, I know that Steemit Inc could help, but I'm proposing a hypothetical, What if they could not? What if the Money was stolen? What if a Hacker would power this down and I had to watch the whole thing dry up, week after week?

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What is this meno, you OK?

Yes of course, I'm fine, I got the account look - I just made a stupid link to a banana cat, I know you clicked, its weird I know. I just showed you the banana cat so you know its me, its me, its OK. But, lets get back to the point, Why this post? What is going on?

Well today I was in the peruses of the trendingses and saw this post by @kevinwong. Why would I visit the trending page when we know that most of it is literary assaults to the eye balls, you say? Well, because of reasons regarding curiosity and other human flaws that reside within me still. Humanity won't wash off, no sense in trying it.

But... Back to my point, I was thinking about how much the ethical people on the platform have to advocate, or promote if you will the necessity to be ethical. That sounds so twistedly obvious when I say it, doesn't it? - Let's see if this works in the none virtual world. Lets try some silly examples:

Common sense Advice for the Common Sense Absent

  • It's probably a good idea to be social, its integral to our mental health.
  • It's probably a good idea to think long term, living just for now can kill your future.
  • It's probably a good idea not to steal, people don't like it and society rejects you.
  • It's probably a good idea not to be greedy, people don't like it and society rejects you.
  • It's probably a good idea to be civil, words have repercussions beyond the now.
  • It's probably a good idea to be respectful, it feels good when you are respected back.

Question - Who's mind did I just blow?

Chances are no one, chances are you are considering clicking away and you would be forgiven, but my point just began to show the dorsal fin, so its a bad time to do so. In truth these things are pretty much common knowledge, if you made it to the point where you have a debit card in your pocket, chances are you understand them, you aim to master them, and if you don't, you at least simulate competency.

So why is it hard to understand here?

Or is that even the case? - I mean, How many times is a whale or a dolphin of prestige (never thought I would use that word, had to verify, its cool) have to make a post telling other whales, dolphins and influential Steemians. "Hey guys, I have an idea, lets not be assholes, What do you think?"- and then as if they were summoned by Zeus himself, everyone start showing up.

Comment after comment about how the code promotes Assholery, and as such the guilt falls on the code. I mean people, I'm having to rape the English language to communicate here, because I'm lacking the words, I don't have enough of them, this is my shortcoming, but I hope you get my point.

I know we want to make money, I do too

But at what expense? What am I willing to sacrifice for it? - Mind you, I'm not one to subscribe to anything paranormal, so I wont go there, but I will try to address this in a manner that makes sense to most, if not all of you, most of you. Suppose a "bad whale" or a "bad dolphin" loses his account. Entertain me for a second, and he or she is locked out, can't access it, can't do anything about it.

How many of us, How many Steemians will come to their "rescue"? - Do you think, I would be super excited about helping out a guy or gal that showed me all he/she ever did was to game the system? Would I be like "OMG, yes let me send you this delegation, let me promote your crap, so that you can get back to your reward pool rapings that I loved so much" - Of course not.

So, this bad actor, this selfish actor has no social insurance, no social currency, nothing. Does that feel good? It can't, the mere thought of having that Steemian existence hurts me . Maybe I'm to idealistic, maybe that's it. Maybe I can learn a thing or two from these selfish actors and learn to fatten my pockets a little more. Would I be happy? Would I feel filled with purpose, having all those conversations with myself?

That sounds miserable to me, miserable. But, that just me, maybe I'm the weird one, Who knows? After all, I'm a collection of events and fermented biases.

The conversation gets old, it really does. If they want to act like that, if they want to be socially poor, its up to them. They just value different things more than others, and the idea of drinking cocktails in hotel in Bahamas by themselves sounds great to them, but not to me... not to me...

Other posts by yours truly

• This is how money works, kinda - A story told to me by a Ghost
• An Ode to Spam
• grandpa, grandma and their kids
• The Burnpost Comments are the best!
• Behold Professor Word-Salad

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