The Steemit SEO Problem: How my tutorial became the top Google Search Result for "Steemit Guide" and why it doesn't matter

When I first joined Steemit, I couldn't believe what I was seeing.

How was any of this possible? Where the hell was all the money coming from? I had no idea.

And without really understanding what I was doing, I wrote my first post. It made about $100 and completely blew my mind.  I was hooked.

I spent the entire day trying to understand what Steemit was, and how exactly it all worked. It took so many hours of reading before I actually understood what was going on.

But I did understand and I figured that other people were going to want to figure it out, too. So I broke it down in the simplest way I possibly could.

I felt like an imposter writing a guide. But my second post was the guide in question:

Steemit for Dummies (like Me): Everything you Need to Know in Simple Terms

It earned a whopping $.15 in the first 24 hours. Eventually it grew to about $150, but at the time it was crickets.

The Top Ranked Steemit Guide on Google

Over the last month, my Steemit guide continued to get new comments almost every single day. But I never understood how people were still finding it. It hadn't trended in weeks.

Yet every day people were writing in to say they were finally able to understand what Steemit was all about.

Eventually I discovered why when one of my commenters said: "I found your post googling for "steemit guide" (not directly on Steemit site) and it was #1 result on google!"

(I changed the name after posting the guide but it didn't update on google)

I was blown away.

I wasn't sure how in the hell it had happened but it had and that was all that mattered.

Or so I thought.

In the end it didn't matter at all, because on Steemit, SEO just isn't a part of the equation.

SEO vs Curation:

I want to say that I do understand the rationale behind the Steemit algorithms. I completely get why SEO doesn't really make sense on a platform that churns out an endless stream new content every single day.

The name of the game here is personal curation and while it's not perfect as it stands now, it does work.

But it also makes you wonder. Is there a place on Steemit for SEO as well?

Is having the best content continuously cycled out of visibility every 12 or 24 hours really the best way to do it?

Would it even be possible to implement a system for long term visibility of popular posts?

I definitely don't have the answers. Maybe someone else will.

But seeing my post at the top of Google, something I've never been able to do with my person blog, made me wonder if perhaps there is a better way.

I'm curious to hear what everyone thinks!

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