Hardfork nineteen will be coming soon to a blockchain near you

It will change the reward curve to a linear one.

A quarter votes left to be made a day. That is about 10 per 24 hours, at full power.

At 4 times higher impact per vote!

So, if ones upvote now adds at least 13 cents to the potential payout then that will be about 52 cents after hardfork 19 {HF19}! That is great, well I think it is. If one keeps voting full 100% though this will drain the voting strength of the account fast. Four times faster in fact. 50 upvotes in one day at full power would drain the strength to 0%. And it will take 5 days to fully recover. So that means 20% a day recovery. Therefore with the new linear voting system one could safely upvote 10 times per day at full 100% and get fully recovered the next day.

And if one wanted to keep upvoting at least 40 times a day? Well, then the resolution might be quite simple, just set the voting slider to 25%. That is basicly it, because the value for the upvote will still be about the same as before hardfork 19 {HF19}. That way it will seem like it all stayed the same. For me that will maybe mean I will upvote less of the replies, only the first, or it has to be really good. Do not know if I would want to touch the slider and set it lower than a 100%. Either I upvote, or I do not. And there are many more people coming to the Steem network, so in pratice the effect of this hardfork might be hardly noticed. Would be kind of fun to give some posts four times more than an upvote from my account could do now. It is worth it, as the Steem community can grow and more members will vote for different content.

All in all, hardfork 19 {HF19} will be a quite soft one, looking at the changes it brings forth with. And I am looking forward to it. Even more looking forward to the Steem Community Tokens. Now the hardfork that brings those about will be a day to celebrate!

Have a good one!

just lower the voting power to 25%

image by @oaldamster,
'fork' courtesy of Silberfuchs,
'comic' courtesy of Open Clipart Vector,
all under CC0 license

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