My next projects to promote Steem and the Art community / Five ideas I'm going to carry out

While the cryptoweb is going crazy after Cryptokitties, I am thinking about some projects and new activities I will run - maybe - in the next weeks.

4 different projects could take shape for me and my wife soon (well, it depends on us, of course):

1 - Land Art Park - A piece of land where putting big sculptures and create a meaningful art environment. I talked a lot about this in the last months, but it is going to start soon - if my sponsor stay persuaded about it.

2 - Steem Park - A public (or private, but open for everyone) to be designed and built using money coming from Steem reward - and planned to a pilot project for promote Steem in Italy. Something like the Steem Park in NYC created by @sndbox team. I have contacts with institutions and foundations here in my city in Italy (Pistoia); and we have also a little group of Steemians around here. So, why not try to do it? Of course, I'll need help from @voronoi, @hansikhouse and the other sndbox guys. Let's see.

3 - Some public talkings in my local community. Steem and cryptos are very little known things here in Italy. Of course, the big growth of Bitcoin is making them a little more popular, but Italy is still one of the last country in Europe for cryptos, I think. (The italian community is also very little, as far as I know: I don't follow them - just someone. I'm not so interested in national communities, generally.) (I don't even like the way italians are managing it. But this is not important - and I may be wrong.)

What I'm going to do, as a real project to promote Steem in my city, is having some public talkings to explain this new thing - a cryptocurrency system rewarding good contents and funding good projects. I could take the opportunity coming from the growing popularity of Bitcoin - and the consequent curiosity about it - to tell to people what I learnt in one year on Steemit and in the Crypto-world. After that I think some local projects for funding startups and social initiatives will come. I'm not an expert about cryptos, of course, but I know my people and I have worked for years as a journalist, so...

4 - A scientific research on cryptoworld. I work daily with a market and social research company, which is connected to the Sociology School inside Florence University. They are a group of sociologists, basically. I talked to them about the crypto-world and the new economy possibly going to be born out of that. As far as I know, there is not a proper study about the cryptocurrency phenomenon from a social and economic point of view yet, in the world (I may be wrong about this, of course). So These sociology scientists and me agreed to try to research about it. I think it could be interesting, because the cryptoworld - and especially the Steem system - is not an economic revolution in progress, but also a great social change.

5 - Well, there is also -last but not least - a 5th project I'll keep working on: my website to sell and buy artworks using SteemDollars ( I'm upgrading it with a bot (a friend is coding it for me) that will post on Steem each new artwork and news added to the website, using a dedicated Steem account for it. It is a first step to make Steemarket work like I wanted it to do: helping the art community on Steem and promoting a new way to reward artists for their work.

I have a lot of work to do, as you see. And - OMG! - I'm just an artist!  Am I doing a step too far?

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