Is steemit the excuse we've all been waiting for?

How many times have we stayed up late into the evening in a room lit only by the glow of a computer screen? How many times have family members expressed concern about the amount of time we are spending online? How many times have we been called out without a real excuse?

Most likely, it's too many.

But now, we all have an excuse thanks to steemit.

"I'm working."

Yes, once an actual financial increase has been acheived it can be called work can't it? It may have been enjoyable, but I still got paid.

The concerned friend who thinks I spend too much time online may have just worked 5 hours for $8 an hour flipping burgers and grossed $40. But if I spent a half-hour posting a Blog about eating weeds and made $44, who had the wiser investment of their time?

Perhaps steemit is the excuse we've all been waiting for.

#steemit #money #economics #financial #life

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